Posted on Jun 10, 2021
Watch: Survivor Of Mao’s China Gives Chilling Account, Warns Where CRT Is Headed - Lead Patriot
Edited 4 y ago
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 6
No, it's just the opposite. For far too long rightists have been the silent majority, and when they did let their vote speak, it was stolen by crooked democrats in most of the states! Now the media has joined in the commie propaganda in labelling right wing and even far right wing patriots as terrorists, which we are not. We're for everyone having a voice including leftist with the caveat of knowing that going with left policies eventually lead to socialism/ communism, which are very contrary to the very freedoms that allow yours and my voices to be heard. In spite of what you may hear from the mainstream media (MSM) the right is ALL about preserving liberty, freedom, and the American way, LEGALLY, in every aspect, in every law on the books. No, we are not about killing Democracy. We're about truly preserving it, having truthful and TRANSPARENT elections, which every indicator points toward the opposite happening in the 2020 election. Of course the powers that be are saying " oh everything was and is legit" and certified etc etc. BS! I ask you, if everything is and was legitimate and not fake, they why in the world is there so much objection and obstruction to auditing !? Who's got so much to hide, and to lose? If Trump and others really lost fair and square, ok. Well settle for that fairness. And the ONLY way for the left to PROVE that is by an audit of the ballots, a forensic exam of ALL voting machines and the whole DEMOCRAT controlled system.
Sorry for the I'm not. I've been wronged and I don't like it one little bit!
Sorry for the I'm not. I've been wronged and I don't like it one little bit!
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