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Responses: 14
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Slow roast him over a spit Lt Col Charlie Brown
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LCDR Retired
What??? No surprises here. Thanks for the post.
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SFC Ralph E Kelley
Edited >1 y ago
A dollar short and a day late. All this was known prior to the election.
Why wasn't it brought up then?
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Lt Col Charlie Brown
>1 y
Much of it was. Remember how the NY Post was called liars for talking about Hunter's laptop?
Col Jim Harmon
Col Jim Harmon
>1 y
This will become an issue in the very near future when the Dems use the 25th Amendment to jettison President Biden. They will couple these obvious conflicts of interests and influence peddling, with his developing Alzheimer's to push him out.

They have always intended to put Biden in office then remove him. Madam Pelosi has her eye firmly affixed on the Oval Office. Once President Biden is gone, watch how quick VP Harris is rolled out to boot (I would guess they already have some corruption or dirt on her that will be used to send her packing as well).

The key here is to watch the time line. They will have to move quickly as the 2022 midterms are going to be a bloodbath for the Democrats. When the MSM begins reporting this information with a passion, you will know they have been signaled to begin the process of removal. If this isn't completed before the midterms, they will not have the votes in Congress to pull it off.

My guess is they will use this event to portray themselves as the party of reform that is cleaning out corrupt government in the hopes of winning the midterms.

Wheels within wheels. I'd rather hug a snake than deal with a politician.
CSM Charles Hayden
CSM Charles Hayden
>1 y
Col Jim Harmon Great forecast!
1LT Voyle Smith
1LT Voyle Smith
>1 y
Col Jim Harmon - I think you broke the code, Col Harmon.
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