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Responses: 5
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Good news. That marching mindlessly behind questionable leadership is a probl
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Lt Col Charlie Brown
>1 y
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Cpl Benjamin Long
I do things in service of my vision... Those externalities are largely immaterial in my universe
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SFC Casey O'Mally
Brilliantly written piece.
He expresses a large part of my frustration with the current media and political systems.

I am an independent - I have NEVER registered for a party, and never will. Because I am not "left enough" I am consistently accused of being a MAGA or a Trumpster, or even worshiping Trump. Despite the fact that I didn't vote for him in EITHER election, and actually wrote an open letter AGAINST him in both early 2016 before he had secured the Republican nom, and early 2020 before Biden had secured the Democratic nom. But hey - I don't worship Hillary (then) or Joe (now) so OBVIOUSLY, I am a despicable MAGA whose opinions isn't even worth listening to.
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally
>1 y
SGT Charlie Lee - I keep hearing about how laws are being passed to restrict voting. I can't seem to find any that ACTUALLY restrict voting. Can you please elucidate?
SSgt Owner/Operator
SSgt (Join to see)
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SGT Charlie L. - We lived in CO for almost 20 years. During that entire time ID was required to vote. Obviously it is not a problem as the state went from a solid red to a solid blue during that time. I too am curious as to HOW this is making it hard for citizens to vote.
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SGT Charlie L. - Interesting read. Accusations in the first paragraph with no substance.

"These proposed bills will make it harder to vote, target voters of color, and take aim at the very election changes — such as mail voting — that made the 2020 election not only successful but possible."

My wife, son and I all voted with mail in ballots. Here in Florida, as in Colorado, you need to specifically request it. We also ended up moving across the county during that time and had to reregister online, cancel the requested ballots and request new ones. Something that took about 10 minutes online to do. And if you say certain people do not have access to computers and/or the internet, why was that NOT a concern for a year of ENFORCED home schooling?

If it was successful why is it nearly 1/3 to 1/2 of America is disgusted with how it was conducted? Why are the Democrats so worried about a deep dive into certain county results? Every time I listened to the Dems espouse the exact same thing over the last 40 or more years, and demand investigations, I've always agreed! But now they are trying to take a STATE RIGHT away from the states in an ugly fashion. It is, IMHO, a fascist move by certain members of the People's House.
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally
>1 y
SGT Charlie Lee - You didn't answer the question. I keep hearing that these laws are restricting access - but can you point to a single law that ACTUALLY prevents legal voters from voting?

The reason I ask this, is because I haven't been able to find a law that ACTUALLY restricts access - many than liberals CLAIM restrict it, but none that actually do.

Linking to a website that states everything is restrictive without showing how it restricts is not helpful.
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