Responses: 5
They only want to defund the police we rely on. They use tax dollars etc to get security they feel they need.
No, silly. It's Defund the (other people's) Police. Us? We're sacred. That's why an attack on the Capitol building is WAY worse than 200 attacks on OTHER buildings.
America needs to rethink its priorities for the whole criminal-justice system.
1SG (Join to see)
Former Tulsa officer sentenced in murder case
Former police officer Shannon Kepler, 61, was sentenced Friday in federal court for killing Jeremey Lake on Aug. 5, 2014.
1SG (Join to see)
MSgt C Madd - I know with you being law enforcement, it is difficult to see or hear or accept when cops murder black people but it does happen. With body cams and everyone having a video recording device in their pocket it is getting harder to not have anything on film. Sure the whataboutism could be that criminals (some of which are black) kill cops etc.
MSgt C Madd
1SG (Join to see) exactly what should happen. Believe he may be facing federal charges in the future.
MSgt C Madd
1SG (Join to see) I would say well over 90% of Police interactions with the public are peaceful. Not discounting when it doesn’t, but this is true.
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