Posted on May 14, 2021
Police: 9 wounded in Providence, Rhode Island, shooting
Edited 4 y ago
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 8
Takeaways anyone? How about a good quarterbacking perhaps? Anyone? Ok then I'll give it a shot from the mass media missing information foundation then...
#1. Some young dipshits decided to drive by someone else's "HOME" because of some bullsh*t excuse like;
A. hey this guy was screwing my ex girlfriend, or say,
B. Dude that guy is selling me coke at $180 an 8 ball when I coulda got it over at cousin Federico's house for $160... or,
C. That was my "Turf" you walked on last month...
Either way it was a sh*t excuse to make the headlines...
#2. Those same dipsh*ts probably;
A. Stole the guns,
B. Got Dad or Grandpa's Gun, or
C...stupid is as stupid does, bought the gun and its registered in someone's name that can be tracked back to an innocent citizen who wasn't aware they took the gun(s).
#3. Those f*cknuggits then drove to someone else's home where they knew or had reasons to believe that the homeowners had... GUNS.
#4. I say with confidence those dipsticks then had no target acquisition skills and no training whatsoever and spray and prayed the home in question... because...
A. They left witnesses alive.
#5. The other part is this, the people in the home are in a better position (defensively) and (legally) since they did not "Initiate & Engauge" into a firefight at someone else's home. The problem I see is;
A. They left witnesses alive.
Now...the mass media gets to "Sell" the story creating yet another fiasco of gun control spewing of crap, honest law abiding gun owners get the brunt of "Guns Bad, Guns Kill, Gun Owners Bad" bullsh*t... The taxpayers get another two to three million dollar costs of a trial & a lengthy criminal investigation requiring hundreds of hours at a cost of like $128.99 per hour, since these dumb*sses didn't get to keep only one side of the story alive...On top of that, if..."IF" anyone is convicted of ANYTHING... Taxpayers must foot the bill to house these ass*s in a jail cell, treat them for injuries...yada yada yada.
#1. Some young dipshits decided to drive by someone else's "HOME" because of some bullsh*t excuse like;
A. hey this guy was screwing my ex girlfriend, or say,
B. Dude that guy is selling me coke at $180 an 8 ball when I coulda got it over at cousin Federico's house for $160... or,
C. That was my "Turf" you walked on last month...
Either way it was a sh*t excuse to make the headlines...
#2. Those same dipsh*ts probably;
A. Stole the guns,
B. Got Dad or Grandpa's Gun, or
C...stupid is as stupid does, bought the gun and its registered in someone's name that can be tracked back to an innocent citizen who wasn't aware they took the gun(s).
#3. Those f*cknuggits then drove to someone else's home where they knew or had reasons to believe that the homeowners had... GUNS.
#4. I say with confidence those dipsticks then had no target acquisition skills and no training whatsoever and spray and prayed the home in question... because...
A. They left witnesses alive.
#5. The other part is this, the people in the home are in a better position (defensively) and (legally) since they did not "Initiate & Engauge" into a firefight at someone else's home. The problem I see is;
A. They left witnesses alive.
Now...the mass media gets to "Sell" the story creating yet another fiasco of gun control spewing of crap, honest law abiding gun owners get the brunt of "Guns Bad, Guns Kill, Gun Owners Bad" bullsh*t... The taxpayers get another two to three million dollar costs of a trial & a lengthy criminal investigation requiring hundreds of hours at a cost of like $128.99 per hour, since these dumb*sses didn't get to keep only one side of the story alive...On top of that, if..."IF" anyone is convicted of ANYTHING... Taxpayers must foot the bill to house these ass*s in a jail cell, treat them for injuries...yada yada yada.
SSG Paul Headlee
For sure! Not just the price of ammunition but have you bought any building materials lately?
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
SSG Paul Headlee - You need a Swiss bank account or an off shore account in the Cayman Islands to afford lumber.
SSG Paul Headlee
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth My son in law and I recently built a 24 foot workbench. It's got under and over storage. I can honestly say that I'd think twice before shooting holes through any lumber. Sheesh!
Well if one side annihilates the other side in the feud.... Then you won't have future conflicts with those parties... Problem solved..
Cpl Benjamin Long
MSgt James Clark-Rosa everyone's got a plan until they get punched in the mouth...(Mike Tyson)
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