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Responses: 6
Lt Col Charlie Brown
You can legimitately challenge what someone says if you disagree with them but name calling is not the way to do it. Too many people take to playing those cards rather than thinking about what someone said and why they do or don't agree with it. Glad he resigned. We don't need people who knee jerk respond like that in politics. About 3/4 of our Congress needs to go as well.
SGT Brad Baier
SGT Brad Baier
>1 y
There is always going to be prejudice, bigotry, and racism. As long as it is constantly in the damn news and shoved down our throats every day. Someone will always think they are better than someone else because of there skin color, religion or whatever. That's the way some people are wired and you can't change everyone. You can call them out on it and shut them down when they are caught doing it. That's about it.

I may tolerate a lot of stuff I don't believe in, but just because someone says I have to agree with them doesn't mean I will. I don't have to be a jerk and go out of my way and protest stuff I don't agree with. If I get tired of the BS on TV, I turn the channel or just turn off the TV. I don't freak out and demand the show be canceled. People need to start thinking for themselves again and stop listing to the damn politicians and media. They have an agenda to destroy this great nation
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Open mouth insert foot LTC David Brown
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LTC Eugene Chu
This is despicable, but the official at least did the right thing by resigning. We also need to remember that a Michigan Republican also behaved similarly back in August 2020. Tom Eckerle used the n-word and denied that he was racist before eventually resigning
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
>1 y
I do believe BLM is a racist communist organization. One of the founders, Cullors, is communist and clearly states it. This is classical Marxism.
SFC Terry Wilcox
SFC Terry Wilcox
>1 y
LTC David Brown - And at least one is now a multi-Millionaire and has purchased a few expensive houses. INSTEAD of helping those businesses they burned and looted.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
>1 y
Look BLM ideology recently has been justice in police custody. There is nothing racist about that.
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
>1 y
MAJ Ken Landgren - that is supposedly what they support but it is rather selective.
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