Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 5
I'm not sure that I would pick it as the best gun listed, but I have a Browning T-bolt gifted to me for my birthday, circa 1972 or 73. Dad was head of R and D for Bear Archery, and he custom-built a stock to my dimensions and with a comb to match a scope. It is fabricated from the most gorgeous tiger maple imaginable (the grain was too squirrely to use in a bow, where strength is important). The wood was run through Bear's "future wood" impregnation process so that it is essentially a colored, wood-grained plastic -- and then he epoxy bedded the barrel. There's no problem with swell or shrinkage in that gun... Honestly, my Winchester Model 61 pump might be a better squirrel gun since it chambers .22 shorts easier and fires them far more accurately. That's one trick I learned from Dad -- squirrels can be so cautious that a single shot can keep them holed up for hours. The short is subsonic and they start chattering again much sooner than if you used the long rifle.
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