Posted on Apr 18, 2021
Kroger Closes 2 Stores in California City That Required 'Hero Pay'
Edited 4 y ago
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 8
Two Long Beach grocery stores set to close this weekend
Two Krogergrocery stores in Long Beach are set permanently close on April 17 due to mandated raises, also known as the "hero pay" ordinance that was impleme...
Thank you my friend MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. for posting the perspective of contributing author Jack Philips
"Grocery chain Kroger said it closed down two California stores Saturday after the Long Beach City Council approved a COVID-19-related “hero pay” ordinance that increased wages by $4 per hour.
The pay increase, mandated in January, was for workers who were employed at pharmacies and retail stores with 300 or more employees in the Southern California city..
Two Kroger grocery stores in Long Beach are set permanently close on April 17 due to mandated raises, also known as the "hero pay" ordinance that was implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic.
FYI Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D. LTC (Join to see) COL Mikel J. Burroughs SMSgt Lawrence McCarter SSG Franklin BriantSPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D TSgt David L. SGT James Murphy 1SG Steven ImermanSPC Michael Terrell A1C Riley SandersSPC Michael Oles SRSgt (Join to see) SSG Bill McCoy Cpl Vic Burk MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi LTC (Join to see) CSM Charles Hayden CPT Jack Durish
"Grocery chain Kroger said it closed down two California stores Saturday after the Long Beach City Council approved a COVID-19-related “hero pay” ordinance that increased wages by $4 per hour.
The pay increase, mandated in January, was for workers who were employed at pharmacies and retail stores with 300 or more employees in the Southern California city..
Two Kroger grocery stores in Long Beach are set permanently close on April 17 due to mandated raises, also known as the "hero pay" ordinance that was implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic.
FYI Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D. LTC (Join to see) COL Mikel J. Burroughs SMSgt Lawrence McCarter SSG Franklin BriantSPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D TSgt David L. SGT James Murphy 1SG Steven ImermanSPC Michael Terrell A1C Riley SandersSPC Michael Oles SRSgt (Join to see) SSG Bill McCoy Cpl Vic Burk MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi LTC (Join to see) CSM Charles Hayden CPT Jack Durish
LTC Stephen F.
2 Long Beach Grocery Stores Shutting Down Saturday Over Hero Pay Law
Two grocery stores in Long Beach will officially shutter Saturday in response to a controversial city law which requires that grocery workers receive an extr...
By the way Food-4-less and also are closing down their grocery stores
2 Long Beach Grocery Stores Shutting Down Saturday Over Hero Pay Law
FYI PO3 Charles StreichCSM Bruce TregoSP5 Geoffrey VannersonGySgt Thomas VickSFC Bernard WalkoSFC (Join to see)SPC Randy ZimmermanCSM Chuck StaffordCpl Robert Russell Payne PO3 Phyllis MaynardLT Brad McInnis CPL Cadrew Strickland PVT Mark Zehner SSG Michael Noll SGT Jim Arnold Cpl Vic Burk SPC Michael Oles SR SGT Randal Groover SFC (Join to see) SGT Denny Espinosa
2 Long Beach Grocery Stores Shutting Down Saturday Over Hero Pay Law
FYI PO3 Charles StreichCSM Bruce TregoSP5 Geoffrey VannersonGySgt Thomas VickSFC Bernard WalkoSFC (Join to see)SPC Randy ZimmermanCSM Chuck StaffordCpl Robert Russell Payne PO3 Phyllis MaynardLT Brad McInnis CPL Cadrew Strickland PVT Mark Zehner SSG Michael Noll SGT Jim Arnold Cpl Vic Burk SPC Michael Oles SR SGT Randal Groover SFC (Join to see) SGT Denny Espinosa
Sgt (Join to see)
LTC Stephen F. MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. This is what happens when DemocRat Leftists push around businesses to force them to comply with nonessential burdens. Another example is when they force businesses to pay for abortions. Next they’ll try to force them to pay for transgender reassignments.
It’s strong-arming the citizens. Like the Nazis.
It’s strong-arming the citizens. Like the Nazis.
SPC Michael Terrell
Every chain should close, and leave them nothing but convenience stores, and tiny, poorly stocked independent grocery stores.
When stores are in financial trouble it seems crazy to keep handing out Hero pay.
SPC Michael Terrell
I've heard from many sources that most grocery stores work at a 2% profit margin. I've also heard Liberals state, "If a business can't afford to pay better, they should close their doors and let someone else do it." Morons will soon see the results.
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