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PFC Automated Logistical Specialist
People are going to want universal income after this and employers will look to more automation
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
4 y
That is happening in Canada after my Province went to $15 an hour. My McDonalds has 2 cashier stations empty but has 4 kiosks to order food. If I want to skip that, a Supervisor rings me up. Other states/provinces with lower standards of living should have a lower minimum wage. Democrats do not get that!
PFC Automated Logistical Specialist
PFC (Join to see)
4 y
SGT Charlie L. 15.00 an hour is quite doable if one is resourceful and depending on obligations. I before I got my current job I lived on 15 an hour between 2017-2019. I had a studio apartment for 700 a month with utilities included i was resourceful at finding it. I had a car payment of 222 a month. Car insurance for 77 phone and internet for 120. After paying for food and other things I was able to save 75 each month. Can a single parent live on 15? No but that's what other benefits are for. Can a couple live on it? No but if both are able bodied and one earned 15 while the other got minimum wage it could be done. Things come down to one's personal tastes and living conditions. You can't buy brandy on a six pack budget.
PFC Automated Logistical Specialist
PFC (Join to see)
4 y
SGT Charlie L. You're right but I got a new apartment and job last year so I'm better off financially. I just wanted to share that it can be done. The biggest is location honestly. Places like NYC and LA or San Francisco it can't be done. I live in Philadelphia so rents and costs of housing are more reasonable than other cities on the east coast.
PFC Automated Logistical Specialist
PFC (Join to see)
4 y
PFC (Join to see) and you're welcome.
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SFC Chuck Martinez
Stephen, we have a melting pot here in American, many of us have historical roots that take us back hundreds of years. Many have this stubborn pride like my dad, if he did not earn it, he would not take it. You might be onto something here that is very interesting if a realistic survey was taken. I think about the reality of it, many might just prefer to take government funds than to go to work. I have been retired for 8 years and happy where I am right now, speaking of retirement funds and not the state where I live in. I hate the idea of politicians making decisions for me and I strongly believe that any big decisions being made by the politicians in power must and should be presented to the people for approval. A good example is this border crossing of children by the thousands excepted and approved by the Biden administration. Who in their right mind would do anything like this with innocent children being sent into the unknown alone??? All USA Americans who were forced out of their jobs due to no fault of their own should be receiving unemployment or help from the government. Playing around with double-edge swords is dangerous to our nation and our US citizens!!
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
4 y
You should listen, Chuck, to Oscar El Blue. He is hated by the US Liberal media. He covers the border Crisis from TJ, Ciudad Juarez or even Guatemala City. He goes where most reporters do not. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5ayswPoPaY I am investing in Oil even though NY state is divesting of all Canadian oil companies because they do not have a shut down plan! Can you believe this shit?
SFC Chuck Martinez
SFC Chuck Martinez
4 y
LTC (Join to see) - Oh I can, now foreign countries are making money from the US and the Idiots to include the AOC and her gang are pushing hard for something that will take us to a worst place in the very near future. I just can't figure out what ever happened to common sense???
SPC James Neidig
SPC James Neidig
4 y
I too am from the Generation of if I didn’t EARN it I don’t want it , i despise the Welfare Class I have in-laws that are in that Class my Wife’s Sister went on Welfare at 18 her Daughter on it at 17 Grand daughter at 18 , my Wife does not want anything to do with them on top the fact they all live in Baltimore and we don’t go to Cities ever !! and we live 120 miles away in PA and they don’t have cars
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SFC Casey O'Mally
I am currently getting paid to stay home. I am on worker's compensation after getting shot at work.

I admit, getting paid to play on RP is pretty awesome.

But... I also used the time to find a new job and I start in a week, despite not being 100% healthy yet. It isn't in me to stay home and get paid to do nothing.
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