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Responses: 2
LTC Stephen C.
Edited >1 y ago
The ALARNG trains many soldiers from other states and countries, SSG Robert Mark Odom. The 200th Regiment (LDR) has a reputation for producing excellent second lieutenants in their officer candidate school.
COL(ret) Chuck Keith, who is quoted throughout the article, is a long time personal friend of mine and I’ll see him again this August when I visit Fort McClellan for a reunion.
Here’s a photo of Chuck and me at Fort McClellan on 24OCT20.
SGT Mark Anderson Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen Lt Col Charlie Brown SMSgt Lawrence McCarter SFC William Farrell
SFC William Farrell
SFC William Farrell
>1 y
MAJ Robert St. Germain One sharp looking Lieutenant Colonel there Steve! You know how to smile for the camera, just as i do! LOL
SFC William Farrell
SFC William Farrell
>1 y
I don't know how I tagged Maj St Germain LTC Stephen C., my apologies.
SFC Don Stewart
SFC Don Stewart
>1 y
I retired as a SFC instructor at the MP school at McClellan and assisted in Lanes training in OCS and heard of Col Keith as an officer an NCO would be proud to serve with.
LTC Stephen C.
LTC Stephen C.
>1 y
Nice to know you, SFC Don Stewart! I know many, many of the current and past officers and non-commissioned officers of the 200th Regiment (LDR) (aka AMA) and consider them my friends. I graduated from AMA on 16JUN73, and served as an AMA tactical officer DEC74 to NOV77.
You should come to the AMA weekend on 20-21AUG21. Shoot me your email address and I’ll send you the invitation/registration form by reply.
BTW, you are absolutely correct. Chuck Keith is a fine officer!
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Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Great share.
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