Posted on Feb 10, 2021
Florida Democrat Pushes for Repeal of 'Stand Your Ground'
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 4
Understand, I will always look for a way to avoid an armed confrontation. I will pay for my check in a restaurant, even before getting the meal if someone or others are getting rude or boisterous. I hope to only see the aftermath on the news instead of being involved. On the street, if I can I will retreat, if not......
Maj Robert Thornton
SPC Erich Guenther very simply put, the above is what I would do, not necessarily what the law allows. I choose to try to avoid situations where an armed response might be required. Since I do have physical limitations, given previous injuries and age, there are times when I would have to "stand my ground." You wish to make this a discussion on race, I don't see it that way.
SGT (Join to see)
Maj Robert Thornton - Agreement. SPC Erich Guenther I do not step out of my house with the expectation or intention that I will have to shoot somebody today. I try to avoid locations and situations which increase the possibility of same. If by some means I am forced in to a situation in which I am cornered with no other means of escape or self defense, I will throw some bullets, most likely .45 ACPJHP, and I am quite proficient at it. The 2nd Amendment was instituted so that Citizen's need not fear going in to Public spaces to transact whatever business they need, or want, to at that time. "Stand Your Ground" laws were instituted to ensure that I can in fact defend Myself, without fear of Government reprisal. Self Defense is not Murder, it is Justifiable Homicide. The case from Florida in which a person caused an altercation and shot another person outside of a convenience store, then claimed self defense, Is an example of the difference. The shooter was arrested, tried and convicted of Murder. I'm being general in the description here because I don't feel like doing all the research on it right now, but You guys can look it up if you don't remember it.
SPC Erich Guenther
SGT (Join to see) - Would that person attempted that murder in Florida if the Stand your Ground law was not on the books?
Maj Robert Thornton
SPC Erich Guenther that is a hypothetical that I cannot answer. What I do know is if you are the one that was the aggressor who started the confrontation, the stand your ground law does not apply. In all the years I have carried, I have only upholstered my gun once, in a boat, in a swamp when confronted with a shotgun. The person with the shotgun was too far away to cause me harm, my .357 Mag was well within range. He put his gun down and I continued on my way.
SPC Erich Guenther
You do not see it because your probably an honest guy and would never engage in slanting the facts to your advantage or would never be an azzhole with a weapon. I have people in my subdivision here in North Texas that I think with this law would shoot the first Black guy that stepped on their lawn if they could get away with it under the law and this law makes it possible.
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