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Responses: 3
SGT Carl Forsman
This is what I really enjoyed about the military, it is truly a melting pot of people who share a common interest or goal, yet individualism and interest stretch to no end. Before the Army, while I was in high school, I was privileged with the opportunity to sit and perform with the Atlanta Symphony two times and the University of Georgia symphony two times as well. I do regret dropping this talent after joining the military. I started as a trombone player, and when there was a need at my school for Tuba players I picked this instrument up and this is when I got my opportunities to join professionals in creating pure emotion. I was too young to understand the gravity of my talent, I switched mainly because my only true competition in the trombone section was one of my best friends and this was his only outlet in life. We could have traded back in forth for the first chair. I really liked the guy and he at the time only had music and academics as his only outlet. Trombone was his life. I had other outlets, I commanded the catcher position on our very successful high school baseball team, was a top seat varsity wrestler since the 10th grade and was a seated tennis player as well. With my band meddles and wrestling "pins" on my jacket, with a full letter I looked like a Guatemalan General, lol and had no problems getting the girls. My switch worked and this kid went on to University of Tennessee, composed his own music which has been published and preformed, this success has helped him carry out an interesting and full life where my competition could have, if the timing was off, which for me is more the norm, complete squashed this guy's will to succeed. As for me, I have passed music on to my children, yet like me they are very athletic and have let the music slip. A failed marriage kept me from being there on the daily practicing and getting better with them. Thank you for the post sir.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
Excellent early morning music share
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PVT Mark Zehner
Very nice!
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