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Responses: 6
LTC Stephen F.
Edited >1 y ago
Thank you my friend MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. for making us aware that the "office of [South Dakota] Governor Kristi Noem said in a statement to the Argus Leader Friday that the first-term governor, who’s risen to stardom in the Republican party for her hands-off approach to managing the pandemic, has no intention of using state resources to enforce any federal COVID-19 orders.'
This is unsurprising but welcome news to me, at least.
FYI SMSgt Lawrence McCarter SMSgt David A Asbury SSG Stephen Rogerson SSG Franklin Briant SGT Robert Pryor SGT Steve McFarland Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D. Maj Marty Hogan TSgt David L. SPC Nancy Greene PO2 (Join to see) LTC (Join to see) LTC Wayne Brandon PFC Rick Schuetz COL Mikel J. Burroughs Lt Col Charlie Brown
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SGM Legislative Liaison
Edited >1 y ago
Best run state in the country...
SGM Legislative Liaison
SGM (Join to see)
>1 y
MSgt Paul Connors I’m a Texan and love my state. But some of these Northern states have incredible outdoor opportunities, with big game and great fishing.

But a good friend of mine from South Dakota always says, “Fifty below zero keeps out the riff raff.” Not sure I could take it either!!!
SFC Jim Ruether
SFC Jim Ruether
SFC Jim Ruether
3 y
SGM (Join to see) - A nice place to visit and a nice place to put down some roots!
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LTC Eugene Chu
SFC Jim Ruether
SFC Jim Ruether
3 y
When a patient comes in like my father in law with multiple morbidities and passes away, my Father in Law wanted to to say something on his Death Certificate.

He had shingles, Leukemia and a coulple other diseases that would or could take his life on their own. Hospitals he believed, get specific when they ruled the cause of death as Covid and its bunch of B*&L^SH#T. he'd say.

No where on his death certificate did it show any underlying morbidities so he had them bring in his death certificate and name those things that he also had that might grease the slides into the here after.

He said he wasn't going to be some BS statistic for some money grubbing hospital bid to get more dollars after his death. When he would read the headlines like this story presented by LTC Chu in the evening paper or watch it on the news he would get so angry.

He made us review his DC after he was gone to make sure they didn't change anything in his absences and we did. It said that he died from Leukemia and complications from that disease.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
3 y
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