Posted on Oct 27, 2020
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 10
Don't move back, they'll hit you up for all the taxes they say you haven't paid.
CSM Charles Hayden
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen The first piece of mail I received after my discharge in 1956 was a income tax bill for CA!
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
CSM Charles Hayden Long long time ago but when I was going through B-52 training in Merced CA one of my classmates who was a CA native spent most of his spare time fighting with the state. They claimed that now that he was back he owed income taxes for all the years he was not in the state.
Sgt Vance Bonds
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen Happened to me too. Froze my accounts. Took an attorney to straighten it out, almost a year later.
That state is a mess. I'll never return
That state is a mess. I'll never return
This will be abused. I'm betting cash my cousins have received both of my dead aunt and uncle's ballots. Anyone denying voter fraud (dems) want to take odds?
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