Posted on Oct 9, 2020
Trump rejects virtual townhall debate out of concerns he'll be muted, but says he will do...
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 6
I agree something is fishy! Trump and Biden could debate while 10 or 20 feet apart in an outside venue!
SSG Robert Ricci
I think if Nancy Pelosi wants to troll president Trump, President Trump should troll Biden by just showing up at Biden events and forcing Biden to debate the ISSUES on the spot! What is fighting going to do? Go hide in the bunker? It's time to play to win!
SSG Robert Ricci
PO3 Bob McCord I absolutely agree 3 hour Democrats word embarrassment to our democracy when they would not even attend the inauguration of the new president. There are those that believe that he has done nothing good and then there are those of us that believe that he in fact has done good. One need only look at their 401k's before the coronavirus hit. My family was better off. We were doing it. We were making it. When you have a child with cancer it's tough financially anyway. It isn't his fault that the coronavirus hit either. Does it say that he's made it worse are saying it just because that's what the left-wing media has said and it's not true. Joe has his plan of how to fight the coronavirus and just like the vice president pointed out in the debate he's basically stolen it from the president. He's plagiarized one more time. Joe Biden is sad. He believes he's a superior candidate when actually he was a maid candidate when you got in endorsement in South Carolina that propelled him over the top. Other than that he was losing. We'll get through this no matter how it ends up. After all, we are Americans!
SSG Robert Ricci
PO3 Bob McCord absolutely agreed. Even our Democrat friends should agree with the point that it was inappropriate to be investigating the president before the election and after it especially since we now know without any doubt that the so-called dossier was a piece of crap and used to support an investigation that should have never taken place. Then to go forward with a sham impeachment was a bridge too far. But they did it anyway. I'm wondering if President Trump is sitting back thinking to himself silently that he hopes he loses but knows that he has to win to save us from socialism.
LTC David Brown
I agree with the comments, the best I can say was it was a smear job and at the worst it was a failed coup. I think it was the worse case!
Figures. Not to mention this allows Biden's handlers to keep a real short leash on their candidate.
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