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Responses: 22
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
Hunter Biden is a terrible person. Even if we abstract out money he might have made through shady deals and possible links to human trafficking, he still got thrown out of the Navy for cocaine use, humped his brother's widow, and knocked up a stripper and ditched out on the child support.
However, Hunter is not running for President.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
4 y
The apples don’t fall far from the tree...
Capt Jeff S.
SMSgt David A Asbury
SMSgt David A Asbury
4 y
And he did not tell daddy?
SSgt Owner/Operator
SSgt (Join to see)
4 y
1SG (Join to see) - like....


President Donald J. Trump: (47:44)
I don’t know Beau. I know Hunter. Hunter got thrown out of the military. He was thrown out dishonorably discharged.

Vice President Joe Biden: (47:51)
That’s not true he was not dishonorably discharged.

President Donald J. Trump: (47:53)
For cocaine use. And he didn’t have a job until you became vice president.

Vice President Joe Biden: (47:56)
None of that is true.

President Donald J. Trump: (47:56)
Once you became vice president he made a fortune in Ukraine, in China, in Moscow and various other places.

Vice President Joe Biden: (48:01)
That is not true.

President Donald J. Trump: (48:04)
He made a fortune and he didn’t have a job.

Vice President Joe Biden: (48:07)
My son like a lot of people at home had a drug problem. He’s overtaking it. He’s fixed it. He’s worked on it. And I’m proud of him, I’m proud of my son.

President Donald J. Trump: (48:17)
But why was he given tens of millions of dollars?

Vice President Joe Biden: (48:19)
He wasn’t given tens of millions of dollars. [crosstalk 00:48:23] It was all discredited.

Chris Wallace: (48:27)
We’ve already been through this. I think the American people would rather hear about more substantial subjects. Well, as the moderator, sir, I’m going to make a judgment call here.

President Donald J. Trump: (48:35)
I know but when somebody gets three and a half million dollars from the Mayor of Moscow.

Vice President Joe Biden: (48:39)
That is not true. That report is totally discredited.

President Donald J. Trump: (48:43)
Why did he get it?

Vice President Joe Biden: (48:45)
Mitt Romney on that committee said it wasn’t worth taxpayer’s money. That report was written for political reason.
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
But according to the demorats it's the president that's colluding Lt Col Charlie Brown
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LTC John Griscom
And Daddy is covering his butt with help from the media.
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