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Responses: 5
SSG Robert Ricci
The Democrats don't want to admit that fraud occurs. Some of us can show you one thing after another and you're so desperate to get Trump out of office you won't accept when your own eyes and ears are giving you. Ladies and gentlemen, your government is being stolen from you! Next time it could be the Republicans doing it. If you stand for nothing you will fall for anything. It's time to take a stand even if it means losing an election. Some of you may not care. Your only goal is to win the election. Honestly answer the question. Have you been doing so poorly financially before covid-19 did the president needs to go? If you're honest with yourself you already know the answer. You know that if Joe Biden is elected he will just be a puppet president. The extreme far left will take over, raise your taxes through the roof, and suddenly the Constitution won't be worth the parchment paper that it's written on. They will take your guns. They will take your freedom of speech. They will take every right that means anything to you and turn this country into a de facto dictatorship. Voter fraud is real.

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LT Brad McInnis
If any of us had done the stuff she has been proven to have done, we would be in jail halfway through our sentences already. We need the Justice Department to start arresting these people, having the trial, and eventually be in jail.
Sgt Cullen Smith
Sgt Cullen Smith
4 y
I agree Sir.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
Lots and lots of cheating...we don't need Russia or China to screw this up
SSG Robert Ricci
SSG Robert Ricci
4 y
I love your sense of wit, ma'am! That's right. We can F this up better than they can. After all, we're the United States! LOL.
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