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Responses: 2
SSG Robert Ricci
Edited 4 y ago
The major fly in your ointment here is the fact it is the Democratic party is the party of obstructionism. They are a party of every dirty trick known in politics. Mailing ballots to people that didn't even ask for them and require no verification of identity is one primary reason to make sure that we have nine justices on the Supreme Court. To hold the Democrats in check from cheating during this next election. Once again they threatened impeachment of the president simply for exercising his Article 2 Section 2 powers that tell him it is his responsibility to appoint judges of the Supreme Court and all other officers. Why would Democrats even have a problem with that? Skip all the other BS if you wrote. If Democrats were in this position they would pounce on it in a heartbeat! You're a hypocrite to suggest or imply otherwise.
SSG Aircraft Pneudraulics Repairer
SSG (Join to see)
4 y
Speaking of bullshit. It's a freaking video and you don't even have the attention span to watch it but you're on here having a sidebar about another issue. But I'll play your silly game. Politics is a dirty game so if you think Republicans are virtuous you've been sipping the Kool Aid a little too hard. You have at least 12 Republican senators on the record in 2016 opposing a vote on Garland for the Supreme Court. All of them arguing to wait until the new president is elected. And you want to talk about hypocrisy?!?

“2016, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky): “The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president.”
2016, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas): “It has been 80 years since a Supreme Court vacancy was nominated and confirmed in an election year. There is a long tradition that you don’t do this in an election year.”
2018, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.): “If an opening comes in the last year of President Trump’s term, and the primary process has started, we’ll wait to the next election.”
2016, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.): “I don’t think we should be moving on a nominee in the last year of this president’s term - I would say that if it was a Republican president.”
2016, Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.): “The very balance of our nation’s highest court is in serious jeopardy. As a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I will do everything in my power to encourage the president and Senate leadership not to start this process until we hear from the American people.”
2016, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa): “A lifetime appointment that could dramatically impact individual freedoms and change the direction of the court for at least a generation is too important to get bogged down in politics. The American people shouldn’t be denied a voice.”
2016, Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.): “The campaign is already under way. It is essential to the institution of the Senate and to the very health of our republic to not launch our nation into a partisan, divisive confirmation battle during the very same time the American people are casting their ballots to elect our next president.”
2016, Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.): “In this election year, the American people will have an opportunity to have their say in the future direction of our country. For this reason, I believe the vacancy left open by Justice Antonin Scalia should not be filled until there is a new president.”
2016, Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.): “The Senate should not confirm a new Supreme Court justice until we have a new president.”
2016, Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Col.): “I think we’re too close to the election. The president who is elected in November should be the one who makes this decision.”
2016, Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio): “I believe the best thing for the country is to trust the American people to weigh in on who should make a lifetime appointment that could reshape the Supreme Court for generations. This wouldn’t be unusual. It is common practice for the Senate to stop acting on lifetime appointments during the last year of a presidential term, and it’s been nearly 80 years since any president was permitted to immediately fill a vacancy that arose in a presidential election year.”
2016, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.): “I strongly agree that the American people should decide the future direction of the Supreme Court by their votes for president and the majority party in the U.S. Senate.”
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SSG Dennis R.
Edited 4 y ago
An entire community of GOP / conservative sheeple? Those real-estate pushers took notes at the NRA meetings on how to separate conservatives from their money. The mega-churches they attend preach that gospel of prosperity as the pockets of the attending faithful are drained as well. Preacher needs a new jet - can't expect him to fly, spreading those lies while sharing space with common people. Broke, sexually repressed, angry with everyone.
A ghetto in the making.
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