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Responses: 9
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
Right now we are moving in the direction of even more of this
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Thank you for the share sir.
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SSgt William Quinn
I was at a conference in NYC, right before this COVID BS started. This was at a very prominent university and was focused on criminal justice reform. There were some good suggestions and ideas from a minority of level headed panelists but the vast majority were extreme leftist radical pushing complete defunding of police, prisons, jail, probation, parole, the whole system. Some advocated, very loudly, to take the money from all of the system and pay people to "fix themselves".

We have been following this dangerous movement for about a decade, which is getting louder and more vocal. Look at the demands of the rioters. One research boldly stated to implode the system and then admitted there was zero evidence that paying people to "fix themselves" would work.

Many of the reporters in attendance proudly admitted to being funded directly or grants coming from the Soros foundations. One of the main lobbying/research groups in attendance, bragged openly of the same funding.

I don't think most on the left understand how radical their side has become with their destructive Anti American BS. What I do blame is the individual for not doing their research and seeing the truths behind these movements and following the money. I am extremely disappointed of so many men and women, who raised their right hands, blindly supporting and defending the very destruction of what they swore to defend.
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