Posted on Jun 22, 2020
Nearly half of US states are reporting a rise in new coronavirus cases
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
What exactly does this mean before we all panic. Testing has increased so you get more positives. Are more people going to the hospital for treatment? Or is largely the healthy showing signs of mild infection? We cannot stay locked down forever
SPC Cathy Goessman
In AZ the percentage of positive tests is rising and the COVID ICUs are filling up. No, we cannot stay locked down but we do still need to be taking basic precautions like masks, hand washing, social distancing etc. We can't just go back to life as usual yet.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Yes, testing increases the number of positives and those are the ones who need to quarantine and have contact tracing but mostly that's not happening. Hospital admissions is a more accurate indicator, but for mainly political reasons many states aren't reporting that. Mild infections don't get admitted to hospitals, so if ICUs are getting filled again it's a sure sign we don't have a handle on the situation, regardless of what people want to be able to do.
MAJ Byron Oyler
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen - ICUs filling up is not really a good measure as the flu hit the inpatient side really bad in 2017-2018. A more accurate concern is overfill units being utilized.
A while back POTUS said this was a war, but like other wars run by politicians it has been totally screwed up. There is a reason that the US has the worst Coronavirus statistics in the world, and it has nothing to do with the virus which is going to do its thing.
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