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Responses: 12
Cpl Jeff N.
Complete BS that he did this in uniform. What a disgrace.
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
>1 y
Sgt Jordan Foster - I would choose to make your political statements without your uniform. If you allow it for this activity, when someone decided to wear it to support a neo Nazi event what are you going to say? Let him have his free speech? No. you would say that is inappropriate and it would be for the same reason this is inappropriate. Making pollical statement in a uniform is inappropriate. Most Marines are smart enough to know that. The standard is not "I like this event so it is okay, I don't like that event so it is not okay".

Maradmins like all things put out are subject to change. Not sure that is a relevant point. There are regulations about the wear of uniforms after your service time is up. They are not hard to find if you are even a little curious.

Is it illegal, no. Would he be subject to any legal recourse, no. Marines know not to engage in political activity in uniform during or after their service.
CMSgt Randy Beck
CMSgt Randy Beck
>1 y
I think some of the people posting here are missing the bigger point, how many civilians will look a this person and think he is actually still on active duty!?! To those who do not know any better he looks like the real deal. What impression does that truly give the American public? How about the world for that matter! This person should know better, and I would bet that some real veterans gave him an earful about wearing his service uniform in public for demonstrations knowing good and well he was taught several times in his career that you cannot do that, whether retired, or active. And yes, retirees are still subject to some of the UCMJ articles including the wear of the uniform in protests/marches. This display by this individual is just as bad as someone wearing a police uniform and pretending to be someone they are not. Maybe nobody has been actually charged for doing this to date, maybe this person should be the first since there is a call for defunding police across multiple large cities in this nation. After all, who is going to be defending those cities when lawlessness gets out of hand. What's next then, cries to defund the military?
Sgt Jordan Foster
Sgt Jordan Foster
>1 y
He’s not exposing secrets or making a Political statement. He’s expressing his love for his fellow brothers it just so happens he’s not the same race. People wear utility uniforms to hate rally’s on a regular basis but do you see them on here or pictures of them on here. If there is a marine in need what do we do? Pick them up? But we seem to just pass judgement without knowing the full story. Did he even open his mouth to make a statement? Or just leave the house unauthorized? We honestly don’t know but it’s easy to say rip his uniform off and call him a disgrace.Cpl Jeff N.
MSG Sr. Budget Analyst
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Cpl Jeff N. -
This guidance has nothing to do with retirees.
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MAJ James Woods
A Retiree served their country honorably so I have no problem with this at all. Now I’m sure some active folks are thinking it’s not fair to them but I think the distinction between active and retired is very clear. And as long as the retiree is expressing his personal opinion it’s no different than any other American. Beware the Stolen Valor crowd and their false messaging.
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
>1 y
Maj John Bell Thankfully we all are free to have an opinion and express ourselves. He’s a retiree and thus a civilian so is free to do just that.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
>1 y
MAJ James Woods - From the link provided:
"No, you may not use the official Marine Corps Seal, Eagle, Globe and Anchor (EGA), or any other USMC insignia or trademark in this manner, because it might create the impression your candidacy is endorsed by or affiliated with the USMC in some way, or that the USMC has chosen your candidacy over other candidates. You are more than welcome to simply and accurately state you are a Marine Corps veteran. You may not use the EGA, which is a trademark of the USMC and protected by Federal law (please see 10 USC 7881). This is consistent with the Marine Corps Uniform Regulations which clearly states the wearing of the uniform in a political context is strictly prohibited. Please see Section 11002(1)(a)(2) and (3) of the Marine Corps Uniform Regulations."

MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
>1 y
Maj John Bell You do know all the US military emblems are trade marked and that none of the services condone the use of their symbols for political purposes. And if the military want to recall violators back to active duty then so be it. Just note the decades of protests where we’ve seen retirees and veterans dawn their uniform and spoke out identifying themselves as a veteran. So yeah don’t have to agree with it but I have yet to see a story where a military branch was willing to put it to the test. Unlike where we’ve seen active duty personnel in civilian attire positively ID’d at a White Nationalist or Supremacy rally. I sure as hell wouldn’t want to see a retiree where his uniform at a Confederate rally either but my original argument goes for him/her too. I give credit to the leadership choosing which battles they want to fight when it comes to free speech.
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
>1 y
SSgt Joseph Baptist The AF Times itself said “Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth Wright on Monday announced an independent review of the service’s justice system after a series of scathing reports that showed it disproportionately punishes young black airmen.”
Now if he made this review solely based on George Floyd and BLM protests then I agree with you. Instead I’m curious about these “scathing reports” that were mentioned in the article MSG Easley sourced. Or are you dismissing that bit of information?
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
IMHO, I believe that they should be able to, as long as they are not in uniform.
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
>1 y
MSgt David Hoffman thank you brother David.
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