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Responses: 4
Sgt Print Journalist
Edited >1 y ago
For taxpayers or American citizens who find some reason to “hate” the wall, or its process, or its materials or its cutting off some snail darter from the land, note that Illegals on American soil are costing the USA over $167,000,000 this day, already increased as I’m typing this, and over $98,000,000,000 (9 8 B i l l i o n) total cost this year. (OAN.com - interactive chart updated by seconds). That is what Americans should really be angry about, in addition to the huge amount of drugs, human trafficking, animal trafficking that flowed through southern border plus unaccompanied minors dumped at border before Trump started putting barriers up.

Its very curious the new Democrat party ( not the one of my grandparents) hate almost any restrictions concerning the border and encourage many faucets of illegal immigration (Time will reveal kick-backs Or darker connections ◕¥◕ )

https://cis.org/Report/Unaccompanied-Alien-Children-and-Crisis-Border (2019 article— lessened problems now)
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
More important than ever!
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LTC Kevin B.
That administration website is misleading. Most of what they're showing as a new wall isn't even new construction (it's replacement of existing barriers). Plus, costs are running as much as $30m per mile. That's about $500 per thumb tip.
Sgt Print Journalist
Sgt (Join to see)
>1 y
LTC Kevin B. If you mean “new” as a wall where one never existed, CBP states much of what they’re doing is replacing dilapidated barriers, with new wall. There’s no misleading. The Fox article and the Administration website show that clearly.
As far as expenses, note that illegal aliens are costing the USA over $167,000,000 this day,- increased as I’m typing this )and over $98,000,000,000 total cost this year. (OAN). That is what Taxpaying Americans should be angry about. (See continually updated chart https://www.oann.com/)
LTC Kevin B.
LTC Kevin B.
>1 y
Sgt (Join to see) - If you want to support Trump's assertion that he is fulfilling a political promise by redefining the word "new" to mean "upgraded", then that's your call. I don't buy it. He promised to build a wall along the entire border, and to make Mexico pay for it. What I'm seeing is that he's just upgrading existing wall, and he's making the U.S. military pay for it. I don't see how, by any stretch of the imagination, that can be characterized as a "promise delivered". But if you want to call it that, so be it.
Sgt Print Journalist
Sgt (Join to see)
>1 y
Some folks seem intent on nitpicking the President but ignore that new or “upgraded” wall being established at the previously anything-goes-at-the-border stems a colossal myriad of devastating problems due to illegal crossers such as rapes and murders, theft, kidnappings, child grooming, plus many financial and societal burdens upon law-abiding, taxpaying American citizens.
My (previously) solid Dem stepchildren are even seeing this, down to the smallest area such as illegals adding more children to public school classrooms topping numbers in class.
But, to each his own. Election time will show how Americans really feel.
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