Posted on Apr 18, 2020
Soldier Stories: Escaping Vietnam on Apple Podcasts
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 2
Good to know we are still Learning the real truth about the Vietnam War... extremely unfortunate it has taken over 50 years
SGT Robert Pryor
I learned a great many of these stories in 1975/76, SPC Nancy Greene. I worked as a Vets Rep for San Bernardino County and my office was just outside the gate at Norton AFB, where many of the refugees first landed in the mainland. Some were widows of KIAs or vets that married a local before dying, others had Amerasian babies and knew who the father was. Norton sent them straight to my office, who turned them all over to me as I was the only one who spoke Vietnamese. Their stories were amazing, some only a few days old. Two things I remember most were that all the children had runny noses from the "Warm California Sun," and the creative way women found to smuggle their gold out.
SPC Nancy Greene
Such a sad story for the people of Vietnam. A country ravaged by war for centuries...SGT Robert Pryor
I got to hear one first hand from someone who was a young teenager and escaped by boat with her uncle...unbelievable story
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