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Responses: 11
MAJ University Recruiting Liaison
The bombshell from the Sondland testimony is that THERE WAS NO QUID PRO QUO, THERE WAS NO BRIBERY, THERE WAS NO EXTORTION!!!
SSG Robert Ricci
SSG Robert Ricci
5 y
SGT John S. - He admitted that it was HID PERCEPTION. Perception is not fact. Don't do what the media does and derive your own set of alternative facts based on perception.
SSG Robert Ricci
SSG Robert Ricci
5 y
SGT John S. Are you so petty that a typo gets you worked into a sarcastic message? I almost always post for my cell phone and it does not have an edit link. That means I have to switch over and turn on the laptop or just let it go and expect that somebody figures out it's a typo. I really don't need a lecture on proper grammar or English. I think my Master's Degree covers that. But thank you.
SSG Robert Ricci
SSG Robert Ricci
5 y
SGT John S. I am referring for you taking time out of your very very busy day to correct me on an obvious typo where I typed HID instead of HIS. The mobile app does not have an edit link and I expected that the obvious typo would be clear to just about anyone reading it. But you arrogantly felt it necessary to put the proper word into a sentence as if I'm a 10 year old. Don't be a smart-ass with me. I don't play that. You want to act like a jerk, I will treat you like a jerk. Treat me with respect and I will treat you with respect in return. But don't be THAT guy. I don't play that game. Roger that? Otherwise, step off.
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MCPO Roger Collins
With the many bombshells so far, that we’re duds, Schiff should declare success and vote.
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
5 y
May you they could have near naked dancing ladies and the Chippendales dancing during testimony while women from The View ask the questions for one side and Jerry Springer asks questions for the other side while clowns juggle.
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Sgt Kelli Mays
SSG Robert Mark Odom I watched Sondland's entire testimony and I would not consider any of these "BOMBSHELLS." Shifty Schiff tried tirelessly to trip Sondland up...and putting words into his mouth and at one point, got Sondland to say "Yes, Quid Pro Quo" but ANYONE watching the whole thing could see it's not what he meant. Shift Schiff is a piece of work. Actually, after yesterday's testimony along with Sondland's today, I am more convinced there is NO QUID PRO QUO...and there is CERTAINLY nothing here to warrant IMPEACHMENT. MAJ (Join to see) MCPO Roger Collins
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