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Responses: 5
Lt Col Charlie Brown
I can't wait to see how this turns out.
SPC Chris Bayner-Cwik
SPC Chris Bayner-Cwik
>1 y
Me too!
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Sgt Commander, Dav Chapter #90
In my view, PO1 William "Chip" Nagel, this is a reasonable question to be asked, so we know how many "Non-Citizens" we have in the U.S. Our Country is being taken over by Non-Citizens who want to change our culture to one of their own... Only U.S. Citizens should be allowed to vote, not "Non-Citizens" voting to try and change our "Citizen's" lifestyle! It will be interesting how this plays out!
SPC Robert Conway
SPC Robert Conway
>1 y
Sgt (Join to see) No, I don't. You referred to "our culture", there are only two ways to read that:

1) You have the true American melting pot culture that is forever adapting, changing and inclusive, even negatively absorbant for Natives and Africans (but trying to be better). The one that understands that we are a nation of immigrants, looking for a better life.

2) The White, European, supposedly Christian culture of racism and isolation that imposes a model of ideals it doesn't even follow itself, while simultaneously demanding adherence and assimilation by the "others" that threaten its majority.

Your commentary clearly puts you in the latter.
PO1 Steven Bridge
PO1 Steven Bridge
5 y
SPC Robert Conway - You are an especially nasty, racist person. You actually seek to twist a comment to turn it into something racist. Tragic you not only live your life by that but you attempt to draw others into your sad perspective of reality.

I'm surprised that you didn't seize on his usage of the term 'Boy'. Slipping?
SPC Robert Conway
SPC Robert Conway
5 y
PO1 Steven Bridge - I really find it hilarious when ignorant people think they are pulling out some big gun to try to shut me up about all the thinly veiled racism they spout. Let me try and explain something, the "I'm rubber, you're glue..." defense didn't work when we were kids, it doesn't work today.

You don't like being called a racist? It is really simple, don't be racist. It works really well and you don't have to twist yourself into logic knots to save your ego.
PO1 Steven Bridge
PO1 Steven Bridge
5 y
SPC Robert Conway - I would have to rely on the Bible in this case. Proverbs talks about the things God hates... he mentions six, and then states the 7th is an 'abomination' to him. It seems you pulled the last two down on you:

" a false witness who pours out lies, and a person who stirs up conflict in the community."

Robert, I don't know you.... but I feel bad for you. I have known racists in the past (when I went across country to go to college in Virginia, as I got on the Grayhound bus one of the last things my dad said was, 'Now don't bring a black girlfriend home, son'.... then the same thing a few years later when I got stationed in Japan. I have a Japanese wife now for 28 years....) The thing about racists and supremacists is they are proud of what they believe in and think they are right. They honestly believe that the lack of melanin in their skin (whites) or a high level of melanin makes them more desirable in God's eyes. They are PROUD of what they beleive in. So a guy who says, 'I don't believe that - I'm not racist....', is probably not a racist... or a very poor one at that.

I think your mentality is more like Don Quixote.... out fighting windmills, trying to create enemies so you can fuel your hate and desire to be a victim. There's not enough, so you fabricate them... sizeing on 'key phrases' that you have decided are obviously racist.... 'code words' that 'all whites' know and exchange when communicating in an open forum with people of other races. You know, kind of like that old skit Eddie Murphy did, going on a public bus in 'white face'.

I'm white... not much melanin here, dude. But using the content of melanin to decide if I like someone or not is not even on my list. I wish I could find a way to convince you of my sincerity, but I probably can't. All I can do is pray and be there for you. If you ever need anything - please reach out. I live in Phoenix, Arizona and am pretty easy to find.

Kindest regards.
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SSG Rob Hanson
The problem is clear, representation is disproportionate in "sanctuary" voting districts as the population does not represent the actual citizenship. Ask yourself how many representatives California would have if they only counted citizens?

At any rate, the census is conducted by the executive branch and needs no authority from congress or SC, it will be funny if we see the question on the census anyways and no recourse for either branch.
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