Democrats copying the playbook of Canada. This 'fresh' Socialism is actually not new in Canada. AOC and most of the Democrat embracing her ideas could backfire. Even former POTUS Obama warned of Fratricide of a circular firing squad of Dem on Dem not being left enough and going after each other. We have Greens (Eco-communists or Socialists), NDP( Socialists) and Liberals (Democrats) in Canada putting carbon taxes, protesting oil and natural gas pipelines and adding regulations in Canada wanting an oil pipeline but banning oil from being put on supertankers on the west coast targeting ONLY oil from the oil-rich province of Alberta. Another law , bill C-69, under review will allow easier complaints from local groups to study, delay and possibly kill a project adding to costs and loss of jobs. Canada is full of people like AOC. It is expensive or nearly impossible to get projects approved. It is a Socialist utopia. 18 year old drinking age, pot is legal, no curfew for kids, easy for druggies to not work yet get welfare like AOC wants. Environmental issues by activists stall pipeline projects but they do have carbon taxes which gives the USA an advantage. Socialism in the USA will kill that advantage. Climate change should not give governments ideas to tax the populace. In British Columbia and in France, the Carbon Tax was not used to mitigate climate change. I personally did not get money back on my taxes like they promise. It often is not revenue neutral. Don't believe the hype of Democrats promising the Carbon Tax as being a cure-all for everything.