Posted on Mar 3, 2019
Hypocrite Justin Trudeau caught doing what he accuses Trump of doing
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 4
Thank you my friend LTC (Join to see) fro sharing the perspective of Fox News that
"I’m not talking about Donald Trump, who fired an FBI director who needed firing, and who never shut down the Mueller investigation. I am talking about Obama, who said that Hillary had not committed a crime in hiding her emails, and Loretta Lynch who agreed with him and who met privately with Bill Clinton.
According to Andrew McCabe, that’s why James Comey decided to go public in his two news conferences. He didn’t want the politicians to deep-six the story.
Politically-inspired tampering with the machinery of justice is a problem everywhere, so here’s what Canada did, back when Stephen Harper was Prime Minister. It took the decision about whom to prosecute from the politician who serves as Attorney-General in the cabinet and handed it to a Director of Public Prosecutions. The DPP is a career civil servant, who is given broad independence even though he operates under the Attorney-General.
After all the preening and moralizing from Trudeau and members of his cabinet, after all their smirks about the Trump administration, it’s nice to see their hypocrisy exposed to all the world by a brave lady.
So here’s what happened. The Canadian DPP recommended that SNC Lavalin, a $10 billion-a-year Montreal-based company with 50,000 employees worldwide, be prosecuted for bribing foreign officials. If convicted, the construction company would be barred for ten years from government contracts, and it let the Trudeau government know if it were prosecuted it would move from Montreal. That’s when Trudeau pressured the Attorney-General to shut down the prosecution, and when she refused fired her.
That might have been the end of it, except for what happened next. The former Attorney-General, a native Canadian named Jody Wilson-Raybould, went public. Before a House of Commons Justice committee, she complained of “a consistent and sustained effort by many people within the government to seek to politically interfere in the exercise of prosecutorial discretion in my role as the Attorney General of Canada in an inappropriate effort.” She detailed how senior government officials had again and again told her about the political fallout if the DPP went ahead with the prosecution, and how Trudeau warned her about job losses and asked her to help out. She told them all flat out that she wouldn’t budge, but the pressure from on high continued until she was bounced from the cabinet in December. She said it reminded her of the Saturday Night Massacre, when Nixon fired special prosecutor Archibald Cox, and so it does.
After all the preening and moralizing from Trudeau and members of his cabinet, after all their smirks about the Trump administration, it’s nice to see their hypocrisy exposed to all the world by a brave lady.
This wasn’t the first time the Trudeau family had tangled with the Wilson-Raybould family. Back in 1983, at a Constitutional Conference, Bill Wilson lectured Pierre Trudeau, Justin’s father. “I have two children,” said Wilson, “both of whom for some misguided reason say they want to be a lawyer. Both of whom want to be the Prime Minister. Both of whom, Mr. Prime Minister, are women.” In the YouTube video everyone laughs, and Trudeau says, “Tell them I’ll stick around till they’re ready.” Everyone loves it, and then Bill Wilson continues. “Mr. Chairman, I’m informed by the government of British Columbia that one of them could be out here in a plane this evening.”
FYI COL Mikel J. Burroughs LTC Stephen C. LTC Orlando Illi LTC (Join to see) LTC Ivan Raiklin, Esq. Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D. Maj William W. 'Bill' Price Capt Seid Waddell Capt Jeff S. CPT Jack Durish MSgt Robert C Aldi SFC Stephen King MSgt Danny Hope SGT Gregory Lawritson Cpl Craig Marton SP5 Mark Kuzinski SGT (Join to see) Maj Marty Hogan
"I’m not talking about Donald Trump, who fired an FBI director who needed firing, and who never shut down the Mueller investigation. I am talking about Obama, who said that Hillary had not committed a crime in hiding her emails, and Loretta Lynch who agreed with him and who met privately with Bill Clinton.
According to Andrew McCabe, that’s why James Comey decided to go public in his two news conferences. He didn’t want the politicians to deep-six the story.
Politically-inspired tampering with the machinery of justice is a problem everywhere, so here’s what Canada did, back when Stephen Harper was Prime Minister. It took the decision about whom to prosecute from the politician who serves as Attorney-General in the cabinet and handed it to a Director of Public Prosecutions. The DPP is a career civil servant, who is given broad independence even though he operates under the Attorney-General.
After all the preening and moralizing from Trudeau and members of his cabinet, after all their smirks about the Trump administration, it’s nice to see their hypocrisy exposed to all the world by a brave lady.
So here’s what happened. The Canadian DPP recommended that SNC Lavalin, a $10 billion-a-year Montreal-based company with 50,000 employees worldwide, be prosecuted for bribing foreign officials. If convicted, the construction company would be barred for ten years from government contracts, and it let the Trudeau government know if it were prosecuted it would move from Montreal. That’s when Trudeau pressured the Attorney-General to shut down the prosecution, and when she refused fired her.
That might have been the end of it, except for what happened next. The former Attorney-General, a native Canadian named Jody Wilson-Raybould, went public. Before a House of Commons Justice committee, she complained of “a consistent and sustained effort by many people within the government to seek to politically interfere in the exercise of prosecutorial discretion in my role as the Attorney General of Canada in an inappropriate effort.” She detailed how senior government officials had again and again told her about the political fallout if the DPP went ahead with the prosecution, and how Trudeau warned her about job losses and asked her to help out. She told them all flat out that she wouldn’t budge, but the pressure from on high continued until she was bounced from the cabinet in December. She said it reminded her of the Saturday Night Massacre, when Nixon fired special prosecutor Archibald Cox, and so it does.
After all the preening and moralizing from Trudeau and members of his cabinet, after all their smirks about the Trump administration, it’s nice to see their hypocrisy exposed to all the world by a brave lady.
This wasn’t the first time the Trudeau family had tangled with the Wilson-Raybould family. Back in 1983, at a Constitutional Conference, Bill Wilson lectured Pierre Trudeau, Justin’s father. “I have two children,” said Wilson, “both of whom for some misguided reason say they want to be a lawyer. Both of whom want to be the Prime Minister. Both of whom, Mr. Prime Minister, are women.” In the YouTube video everyone laughs, and Trudeau says, “Tell them I’ll stick around till they’re ready.” Everyone loves it, and then Bill Wilson continues. “Mr. Chairman, I’m informed by the government of British Columbia that one of them could be out here in a plane this evening.”
FYI COL Mikel J. Burroughs LTC Stephen C. LTC Orlando Illi LTC (Join to see) LTC Ivan Raiklin, Esq. Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D. Maj William W. 'Bill' Price Capt Seid Waddell Capt Jeff S. CPT Jack Durish MSgt Robert C Aldi SFC Stephen King MSgt Danny Hope SGT Gregory Lawritson Cpl Craig Marton SP5 Mark Kuzinski SGT (Join to see) Maj Marty Hogan
Seems like the same deception and dirty tricks for special friends had been employed on both sides of the border. Amazing how these Liberal leftist politicians use their positions to protect their friends from wrongdoing and point fingers at everyone else.
LTC (Join to see)
Although prime minister Trudeau may not getting no confidence vote oh, there is a possibility this Scandal will hurt the chances for the prime minister to get reelected and it may seriously damage the liberal party because Parliament May pick up quite a few conservative or even socialist votes.
SSG Steve Niebergall SSgt GG-15 RET Jim Lint CPT (Join to see)
SSG Steve Niebergall SSgt GG-15 RET Jim Lint CPT (Join to see)
LTC (Join to see)
Electricity prices in Canada are too high! Fight back!
VISIT — and share this video! Ezra Levant of shares his $1123 Ontario electricity bill. It's that high thanks to Lib...
SSG Steve Niebergall I do notice that the liberal Rally Point numbers I get along and don't get along with haven't made any comments to me about most of my articles. I keep telling them that Canada is to Spain as socialism and they been messing up a lot of stuff up here.
This is the green New Deal of Ontario where they shut down a 1 billion dollar just completed gas-fired power plant and scrapped it a decade ago then they went ahead and went all green Renewables wind farms and solar and their electric bills are 6 times what you and I pay. The good news is that the new government under conservative leadership took over.
This is the green New Deal of Ontario where they shut down a 1 billion dollar just completed gas-fired power plant and scrapped it a decade ago then they went ahead and went all green Renewables wind farms and solar and their electric bills are 6 times what you and I pay. The good news is that the new government under conservative leadership took over.
LTC (Join to see)
Hilarious Kevin Bacon scene from the end of 'National Lampoon's Animal House' [Note: I do not own this in any way. No copyright infringement intended.]
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