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Responses: 4
CMSgt Security Forces
She folded on the Pelosi vote but perhaps she saw the writing on the wall and a promise to be seated on the Oversight Committee sealed the deal. At least she stood behind her campaign promise regarding ICE. All about optics and nothing to do with protecting the nation. Wonder if the 800k furloughed government employees would give her their vote? Nice touch with the 'common sense' tag.
LTC Psychological Operations Officer
LTC (Join to see)
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Do you think the furloughed workers will give their votes to the 183 republicans who voted against this bill? AOC actually has taken the position that congress needs to change rhe law so that when there is a government shutdown, congress doesnt get paid either. But that didnt seem to draw much interest from the right wing media, who otherwise reports on her every move.
CMSgt Security Forces
CMSgt (Join to see)
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Please get back to me when she actually sponsors this bill and it becomes law. I hope she includes term limits as well. If she does this she will have earned my respect. Well, as much respect as I can tolerate for a democratic socialist.

LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
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LTC (Join to see) she is a tip of the Spear of extremism. There are a cohort of her in British Columbia and Alberta. This is the writing of the wall the new Walking Dead.
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LTC Trent Klug
I love her use of the royal 'we'. Really sets the tone of how she's viewing her time in Congress.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
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Esa Loca makes me laugh. Aldi conomic said she learned in college was thrown out the window. She didn't learn anything in economics 100, 200 or 300.
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LTC Psychological Operations Officer
Edited >1 y ago
She was born and raised in the Bronx. Her father was born in the Bronx. Her mom was born in PR. She is a native English speaker. Why are you leading your comments with this BS about needing to translate for Puerto Ricans and reminding her that she is an American? It's sort of like when Trump called the American born and raised judge a Mexican because his parents came from Mexico.
As far as her High School goes, do you know that she took second place in the largest international science fair for HS students with her project in microbiology on the effects of antioxidants on the life span of certain bacteria? And it is disappointing to sed you make the Hugo Chavez comparison, continuing the right wing meme of not understanding the difference between a democratic socialist and a socialist country like Venezuela. It's a lack of intellectual rigor that leads to great sound bites, but little understanding of the issues.

And since you seem to love to post about her, why didnt you post about how she wants to change the law so that next time there is a government shutdown, congress doesnt continue to get paid? Or perhaps you might mention that while she voted against this bill, so did 183 republicans. Seems like that is a more significant number.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
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It is Sarcasm but now I understand your point. I guess I'm just upset because my Honduran born mother came to the United States legally and she did immigration work for thousands of illegal aliens who were here in the US illegally but she's was able to help those thousands become permanent residents and eventual American citizens due to the framework that was in place at the time. She worked for the Working Poor illegals who spent hundreds of dollars to a United Way agencies instead of thousands of dollars through shyster attorneys to follow the u.s. framework to become legitimate residents of the USA. I am a little upset that those people who run the Border get to the front of the line. I understand that many of them are refugees. In Canada, you don't see very many Mexicans but you do see Chileans, nicaraguans, Venezuelans ,argentines and others who obviously fled persecution. I am going to Honduras in 3 months to see my mother and to see the people who are prime candidates to flee The Border North with the help of leftist elements within Central America. Maybe some of my statements are incorrect or wrong but I am frustrated as you are with the gridlock in Congress. Yes, President Trump had 2 years to do this before the latest change in the house. Maybe I was mistaken the post this story. Democrats have a totally different thinking under President Clinton. The border wall was an issue factoring operation GateKeeper. Even if the amount of illegals are down by 70% it's still in the thousands. Well turn in I thought of was to bring the fight to the enemy and bring drug cartels to its knees in Central and South America. Even though I know that someone may try to take over the position I believe that if we worked hand-in-hand with Central and South American police department and Military we could destroy once and for all the land route of drugs coming from sexual in South America which is this what are the reasons of instability in Latin America. We have a large cohort of druggies in United States and Canada that are driving the drug trade demand to bring Drugs North. I wish you'd we would just get over this border wall issue because it is an issue no matter what people say. Look at those Texas centers for the children and families are overflowing. Central Americans are playing the game and bring the families together noises that they have a better chance of staying that way. Okay, maybe I'm wrong with a sarcastic comment but I'm not being hypocrite because my mother was born in Honduras, I spoke Spanish first before I learn English and I think she is just as crazy as the Canadian left is up here in Vancouver British Columbia. What is sad is that moderate Democrats like Pelosi and Feinstein are considered too moderates by people like her.
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