Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 5
I heard about the Baatan Death march and the camp first hand from a survivor.
The film !Ade about that I always found among the most accurate ever made about WW2, it was so accurate, apparently, its accuracy actually caused bad reviews among those reviewers who'd evidently thought it, however crazily, too boringly literal, though to this day, I just can't understand that mentality, of course....
SCPO Morris Ramsey
We just watched it on Netflix. “THE GREAT RAID”. First time I have seen it. Great Movie.
Capt Daniel Goodman
What was said was all true, certainly, the nonsense about the woman who was the heorine, she was quite real however, the garbage about the senior American in the camp and her was just that, specious nonsense, it never happened, it was included specifically to give a human dimension to the story, as the real account of the raid had been dee!ed so devoid of all human emotion...in that stupid Pearl Harbor flick, Gen Doolittle was actually quite short, physically, he in way resembled Alec Baldwin, the depiction by Spencer Tracy in30 Seconds Over Tokyo was far more accuratez plus, it was based on the autobiography of the pilot of The Ruptured Duck, who really did lose a leg, though Van Johnson was abysmally soap operish in the role, plus, neither he nor Spencer Tracey were ever in...there were really two American fighter pilots who lifted off the day of the Pearl Harbor attack, however, I think the garbage about assigning them to the Doolittle Raid was just that, garbage, they were fighter pilots, not bomber pilots, I've never checked that part, however, I'm obviously highly dubious, to say the least, you know?
Capt Daniel Goodman
And Keely:s Heroes and Where Eagles Dare were pure fiction, intended as fiction, not fiction masquerading as fact...that being said, Clint Eastwood had actually been in, I don't know about the rest of the casts, however, I distinguish between total fiction films based on novelsz, and ostensibly historical films, based on actual incidents...such historical films, should ALWAYS he done with absolute accuracy, screenplay being irrelevant, history matters that was why The Great Escape while based on the book by Paul Nrickhill, plus Donald Pleasance, who played the fictional forger, was actually am RAF POW caught NY the Germans, however, the Steve McQueen garbage was totally unneeded, and also, the true story of The Escape Factory about MO9 in the UK, and MIS-X and MIS-Y at Ft Hunt Jere, which was how the escapes were really done, was totally omitted, Christopher Reeves played Maj John Doge, a cousin of Churchill by marriage, he die a film about finding the Gestapo and SS who murdered Roger Bushell (not Bartlett) and the 49 other escaped POWs if you check YouTube, I think it's on there for free....
One positive result of this raid as pointed out was bringing attention to what the Japanese had been doing to POWs and prompting action to reverse these horrible crimes. Far to often these type of thing go on a long time before any measures are taken to reverse it but then information blackouts make many unaware of the existence of these conditions in the first place. One another of the POW rescue missions later one of the Members of our American Legion Post, 208, Millis, MA went in with the 11th Airborne Division to make a rescue that also included even women and children.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
Capt Daniel Goodman - This is an aerial view of the Unit 731 Complex the Japanese ran in Harbin China as it appeared back then. There were 10,363 victims here that died from the Biological and chemical experiments on them. Also the museum You mention makes it very clear what was done there and what the victims went through and the sadistic acts on those people who were the victims and the intense suffering. About 70% of the victims were Chinese the others captives from other countries in the region the Japanese Military operated. Like the German concentration camps they also had rail lines to bring in the thousands of victims they were going to experiment on.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
LTC John Mohor - Also on one of His speeches He said a lady that was a prisoner at the POW camp asked, "Who are You guys" Being Airborne, He proudly replied, 11th Airborne Mam " He said, "Oh Dear" He asked what was wrong? " , She replied, "I hoped We would be rescued by the Marines" He was our Grand Marshal at Our Memorial Day ceremonies a few years back when He made that speech.
Capt Daniel Goodman
I follow, the exact number I'd never seen though I'd known it was bad, really bad...I'm telling ya, the human capacity for degeneracy truly knows no bounds sometimes, even to the point of pushing back the frontiers of such craziness...I've made rather a study of both the Map and German stuff, there were also Italian contributions to such sick craziness as well I'd read of, and all of them are nothing but exercises in superlatives describing insanity, honest, you look at all of human history, it was always like that, plague infested rats were lobbed into cities under siege in ancient times...the human race doesn't improve with time it just manages to get more deviously and degenerately sophisticated, honest, you know?
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
Capt Daniel Goodman - History does repeat itself including these degenerate type of acts. It doesn't appear We will ever be totally free of these types of War Criminals.
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