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Responses: 8
SSgt Gary Andrews
While you're at it, Captain Jack, maybe you can educate those who voted for Trump to do a better job in 2020.
SSgt Gary Andrews
SSgt Gary Andrews
6 y
MSgt David Hoffman - Bureau of Labor statistics are just "spin"? What qualifies as a "fact" in your world?
1SG Dennis Hicks
1SG Dennis Hicks
6 y
I foresee the Democrats forcing us to vote for Trump again since they will still not select and honest nominee. In addition I predict a great deal of Republicans in name only will get pink slipped constantly for folks who actually care about America and its citizens. SSG Andrews a better wish would be for the Democratic party to come up with a non criminal that isn'r part of the old system in 2020, I highly doubt it since they keep eating each other. On a side note the Republican are never going to be off the hook either.
SSgt Gary Andrews
SSgt Gary Andrews
6 y
1SG Dennis Hicks The dems do need to run a fresh face. But you may have to vote for Trump if his opponent isn't honest? Who could possibly be "less honest" than Donald Trump?
1SG Dennis Hicks
1SG Dennis Hicks
6 y
SSgt Gary Andrews - I hav eneither the time to list them all but I can start with Slick Willie, Cankles, Bumbling Barry, George W. Jr., Groping Joe, cankles love spawn, the list goes on an on. The Democrats could actually seek out a nominee that isnt associated with any of their infected criminals and actually win the next election. Instead they push the connected asswipes and career politicians every single time. They also cut the legs out of each other during the nominee process. I mean really letting Cankles run twice and then entertaining her again for another run? really? You don't have to love Trump, I personally can't watch him or listen to him but the bull in a china shop methodology is the political enema this country needs. We can no longer run things business as usual with these clowns in both parties. How much longer can this country exist with the cancer that is DC? all all levels of politics they exist in great numbers. Its like having to swim through a lake of turds and expecting to come out smelling like roses.
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SFC James Welch
What an idiot this woman is. It would be comical if she wasn’t taking up space in Congress!
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SPC Casey Ashfield
I want her to make as much waves as she wants in getting a subpoena over a meme. Gives the Ethics commission more to have fun with to throw back at her.
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