Posted on Nov 14, 2018
Trump Closed An Office That Tracked Ex-Gitmo Inmates. Now We Don't Know Where Some Went
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Track them, would that be after Barry cut them loose to continue their work? Like the 5 traded for that POS Bergdauhl.
MAJ Montgomery Granger
During WWII the US held over 400,000 mostly German lawful combatant POW's without charge or trial, and without ONE call for extra legal privileges for them. What's different now? The US is holding 40 unlawful combatant Islamists who want to kill us and they currently enjoy virtually the SAME rights if accused of war crimes as you or I would enjoy in a Federal Court of Law.
Just watch the news. Taliban, al-Queda, ISIS, any terror group with an online presence proudly announces when an ex-Gitmo resident rejoins the fight.
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