Posted on Nov 5, 2018
Passionate Soldier Reveals What He Saw In Vietnam
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 17
Thank you my friend COL Mikel J. Burroughs for making us aware that Harriet Nix posted this message.
Upon reflection, the only time that comes to mind where the situation defied my expectations. In May 1995, I was undergoing a cardio catheterization after being diagnosed with cardio myopathy the previous month. As I came out of the anesthesia I was served with a no-contact order for my wife and sons by the Sherriff's department. That blindsided me.
I was puzzled; but, since I had complete faith in God I knew HE was in control and HE would work out a way for me. A couple from the church I attended took me into their house for the weekend. On Monday I moved into a room in a rental property. Over the next three years, as one door for room renting closed, another opened just in time.
In October 1995, my dad died just after I visited him. I shared my faith in Christ with him and he was aware of my heart disease and involuntary separation form my wife and sons [visitation with sons was coordinated after I got a lawyer]. I spoke at his memorial service and used 1 Corinthians 13 as a basis for sharing how my dad demonstrated love throughout his life.
Upon reflection, the only time that comes to mind where the situation defied my expectations. In May 1995, I was undergoing a cardio catheterization after being diagnosed with cardio myopathy the previous month. As I came out of the anesthesia I was served with a no-contact order for my wife and sons by the Sherriff's department. That blindsided me.
I was puzzled; but, since I had complete faith in God I knew HE was in control and HE would work out a way for me. A couple from the church I attended took me into their house for the weekend. On Monday I moved into a room in a rental property. Over the next three years, as one door for room renting closed, another opened just in time.
In October 1995, my dad died just after I visited him. I shared my faith in Christ with him and he was aware of my heart disease and involuntary separation form my wife and sons [visitation with sons was coordinated after I got a lawyer]. I spoke at his memorial service and used 1 Corinthians 13 as a basis for sharing how my dad demonstrated love throughout his life.
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
So sorry to hear of your experience Brother Stephen. Your faith has served you well. Blessings my Brother.
Sgt Albert Duran
No matter how much time you might have to prepare for the loss of a family member you will never be ready when it happens, and the sudden loss leaves you in a tail spin which seems to have no end in spite of what your situation is at the time. No one can take away what you shared with your family as I still have the sound of my mom's voice, and the immortal love that she instilled into her children, grand children and great grand children as they are still with me.
Harriet Nix
Thank you for sharing your experience LTC Stephen. Difficulties and unexpected trials bring out the strength and faith for most. Whereas, I am sorry to hear of yours, you are quite courageous.
Anyone that has served ina combat zone I think can relate. Forme when I went over to Afghanistan I wasn't necessarioy expecting warm greetings but from what I understood we were there to give them their country back. The only difference between us now and the Vietnam Vets is we were welcomed home and greeted with open arms...they were not. We have challenges with VA and medical care but they were blatantly brushed off. Tough time for those men and women. Thanks for the share from this guy.
Harriet Nix COL Mikel J. Burroughs
Harriet Nix COL Mikel J. Burroughs
Harriet Nix
I have spoken with and thanked him personally. And I agree with all you have to say. Thank you.
I think we all expect to be greeted as liberators, especially after WWII films
Harriet Nix
I think that type of news reel is what the gentleman referred to; when France was liberated .
SSgt Boyd Herrst
I joined AF Reserve in ‘70, went Active in ‘71, went to Vietnam Jan ‘72. I didn’t expect to be a whole year there.. after viewing AFTN(Armed Forces Telev. Network)! And what the media was projecting it didn’t seem a comfortable time to go home.. so I did a follow on tour and went to Thailand.. and extended there 6 months... Rotated back July ‘74.
Went to a few get togethers that turned into parties.. So there were my welcome home celebrations.. they were nice, evenly spread out from each other(the parties)..There were some other Military there.. that was about it on that . I drove out to Travis AFB, my new duty station. Maybe the AF thought I’d fly out.. A letter had arrived letting me know an amendment to orders would be waiting at the CBPO..(Mom had rode with me.. was going to visit her Sis After I got checked in.) Mom called home.. Dad got me on and told me about the letter. since they did it that way I thought I’d still be at Travis.. When I did get there,
The Amendments were waiting..
The clerk didn’t even know.. He went in back to do or get s’thing..
A Major came in and she appeared hot under the collar.. “AMN S____,
Where is your supervisor” .. she cut into our conversation.. then she caught herself.. “Oh, Excusw me,..
I didn’t mean to interrupt, SSGT!”
“That’s ok Ma’am you seem to be on a. Mission related sit-rep Ma’am, go right ahead ‘ I can wait!” and gave a nice smile .. So then she proceeded.. that little room got quite warm in a couple minutes.
It appeared an Airman diet tech, actually 2 of them had not reported in yet.. Then the Airman remembered s’thing, excused himself and went back and came out with a envelope. while the Airman was gone the Major and I got to talking .. She asked me my
AFSC.. I told her Cook... “hmm .. I wonder if I could .. and the Airman came out of the back and gave me an envelope. I excused myself and opened it.. looked at them and told the Major it looked like her want was answered and handed her a copy of the amendment.. I’d be going to the Hospital Squadron..
She asked where was my gear and I
Told her it was at Billsting.. I went to billeting and got my gear and then followed her to the Hospital Squadron Barracks.. I went in with her and She had changed on that ride over.. “Looky what I found at CBPO, Roy and Jack! “ to the Cmdr and 1SGT.. (well there went protocol out the door !)... I put my folder and pkg on the desk.. The clerk took what Jhelum needed.. I had to go back and get some briefings, go to finance, get my car registered and get my base sticker.. I could do all that in 3 stops at the same building. .. Next day I did all that almost.. A Sec Policeman toldm e I had to get a Calif inspection formy car. I went over and talked to a guy at base Auto hobby I knew from home.. He told me to go right off base on the service road to J’s Texaco . I went and J went in back to the garage, I seen him and another guy move around.. I heard a engine rev.. J came out we waited 2 minutes.. some lights lit and a 4x6 paper comes out of the machine..!
“Here, take this over the CHP office by the freeway and he’ll give you your sticker”. “What do I owe you?”
Don’t bother, it’s on Norm, that’s my dad... I looked at the paper On the way over, Norm’s Signature was printed on the form.. it looked fresh.. at first .. I went in and gave the CHP clerk the paper.. she put it on a machine under a flap.. more lights .. out came s CHP Inspection Sticker.. A officer came out with me and put it in the lower corner of my driver side of the windshield .
They didn’t ask no questions and
So I didn’t volunteer answers.. I found out Later that Norm of Norm’s Texaco been dead 3 years..
A Bud was there buying gas and a inspector asked where he was.. “In Hawaii at the big punch bowl!” “When is coming back?” The State guy asked.. “Don’t know, whenever he feels like it !” His son J answered.. ( Norm been buried in Hawaii for 5 years already.. every time inspector came.. Norm’s in Hawaii).. it was a going joke there.. I found Norm was Part of the. Famed 442d Army company of Nisei... He wanted to be buried at the punch bowl.. and that’s where he is..
Went to a few get togethers that turned into parties.. So there were my welcome home celebrations.. they were nice, evenly spread out from each other(the parties)..There were some other Military there.. that was about it on that . I drove out to Travis AFB, my new duty station. Maybe the AF thought I’d fly out.. A letter had arrived letting me know an amendment to orders would be waiting at the CBPO..(Mom had rode with me.. was going to visit her Sis After I got checked in.) Mom called home.. Dad got me on and told me about the letter. since they did it that way I thought I’d still be at Travis.. When I did get there,
The Amendments were waiting..
The clerk didn’t even know.. He went in back to do or get s’thing..
A Major came in and she appeared hot under the collar.. “AMN S____,
Where is your supervisor” .. she cut into our conversation.. then she caught herself.. “Oh, Excusw me,..
I didn’t mean to interrupt, SSGT!”
“That’s ok Ma’am you seem to be on a. Mission related sit-rep Ma’am, go right ahead ‘ I can wait!” and gave a nice smile .. So then she proceeded.. that little room got quite warm in a couple minutes.
It appeared an Airman diet tech, actually 2 of them had not reported in yet.. Then the Airman remembered s’thing, excused himself and went back and came out with a envelope. while the Airman was gone the Major and I got to talking .. She asked me my
AFSC.. I told her Cook... “hmm .. I wonder if I could .. and the Airman came out of the back and gave me an envelope. I excused myself and opened it.. looked at them and told the Major it looked like her want was answered and handed her a copy of the amendment.. I’d be going to the Hospital Squadron..
She asked where was my gear and I
Told her it was at Billsting.. I went to billeting and got my gear and then followed her to the Hospital Squadron Barracks.. I went in with her and She had changed on that ride over.. “Looky what I found at CBPO, Roy and Jack! “ to the Cmdr and 1SGT.. (well there went protocol out the door !)... I put my folder and pkg on the desk.. The clerk took what Jhelum needed.. I had to go back and get some briefings, go to finance, get my car registered and get my base sticker.. I could do all that in 3 stops at the same building. .. Next day I did all that almost.. A Sec Policeman toldm e I had to get a Calif inspection formy car. I went over and talked to a guy at base Auto hobby I knew from home.. He told me to go right off base on the service road to J’s Texaco . I went and J went in back to the garage, I seen him and another guy move around.. I heard a engine rev.. J came out we waited 2 minutes.. some lights lit and a 4x6 paper comes out of the machine..!
“Here, take this over the CHP office by the freeway and he’ll give you your sticker”. “What do I owe you?”
Don’t bother, it’s on Norm, that’s my dad... I looked at the paper On the way over, Norm’s Signature was printed on the form.. it looked fresh.. at first .. I went in and gave the CHP clerk the paper.. she put it on a machine under a flap.. more lights .. out came s CHP Inspection Sticker.. A officer came out with me and put it in the lower corner of my driver side of the windshield .
They didn’t ask no questions and
So I didn’t volunteer answers.. I found out Later that Norm of Norm’s Texaco been dead 3 years..
A Bud was there buying gas and a inspector asked where he was.. “In Hawaii at the big punch bowl!” “When is coming back?” The State guy asked.. “Don’t know, whenever he feels like it !” His son J answered.. ( Norm been buried in Hawaii for 5 years already.. every time inspector came.. Norm’s in Hawaii).. it was a going joke there.. I found Norm was Part of the. Famed 442d Army company of Nisei... He wanted to be buried at the punch bowl.. and that’s where he is..
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