Posted on Oct 11, 2018
Republicans Seize On 'Angry Mob' Mantra To Keep Their Midterm Base Fired Up
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 16
Well we have had Republican Congressman shot by angry Democrats. We have had Republican political rallies shut done by those on the left. We have had Republican Senators, spokespersons and Cabnet members forced to leave restaurants with their families because of leftist activities. There is over a decade long marginalization of college speaking tours by Conservatives because of left wing activists. Those on the right have been assaulted, at rallies, and while going and coming from rallies. So when was the last time a Democratic Rally was shut down? A Democratic campus speaker forced to cancel? A Democratic Government official forced to leave a Resturant? A kid wearing a Democratic hat get assaulted in a Resturant? Watch Antifa in Portland Oregon insult and harass drivers. Then listen to Maxine Waters calling for more of this behavior. What makes America work is the free exchange of ideas and the left is doing everything they can to prevent that. I remember the TEA party rallies. People well behaved, said their piece then cleaned up and left. People in the TEA party were not granted equal process. Can we say Lois Learner? Well the left is still losing. Seems the only dog they have in the hunt is agitation against their opponents. So here we are!
SSG (Join to see)
LTC David Brown - I think they are referring to James Alex Fields, which no one is talking about because he has the potential of getting away with it.
LTC David Brown
SSG (Join to see) - I was aware they were probably talking about Fields. There is a big problem with using this incident. The alt right people had a permit when they legally gathered. The mob showed up and started violence that escalated. There are nut cases all over. I hope Fields get fully prosecuted. There is a big differance between gathering for baseball practice and getting shot and showing up to disrupt a political demonstration with violence.
LTC David Brown
No but you will among Antifa and other radical groups that tour he’d property etc at Berkeley.
I heard Ms Waters incite people to make others hide because of who they work for. There is enough stupidity and inappropriateness to go around.
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Nicci Eisenhauer my huband, the historian, reminds me that we have survived far worse as a nation. The biggest problem isn't the President or even the idiots in Congress. It is the media.
Nicci Eisenhauer
The media and those who actually drink the KoolAid. It's just bad these days. Really bad. Internet makes it worse, I think. People say things from behind the veil of electronics they'd never say in person, I think. One respected member here called me a "nitwit", I think it was, on a thread and I thought, "Wow, that looks really bad for him." It also violates RP's rules of the road -- there's a .pdf -- I was impressed with it -- a handbook for civility.
Nicci Eisenhauer
Lt Col Charlie Brown - OMG, it would be awesome for that great guy you mentioned to share some relevant examples of worse times in history. I really would love to point at some, because it would really give me hope. (Seriously, I'm not being tongue in cheek. I'm actually really depressed about how we are all bickering these days. And bickering is the closest I can get to 'euphemism'.)
Really? That seams tame to what these other organizations are doing. I haven’t heard of the president’s party hiring tugs and low life’s to harass Americans exercising their rights. I have heard and looked at the evidence that the other party has. You want to talk about despicable; look within your comment. Nicci Eisenhauer
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