Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
The Naval War College was actually going to be closed. The SECNAV thought it was a waste of money. On his way there, he read the Infuence of Seapower by Alfred Thayer Mahan. When he arrived, he asked if this type of scholarly effort was the norm, of which yes, it was. He decided on the spot to save it.
The NWC has got it right. It was the best year of my career and having finished an MBA right before it, it was far more difficult and intellectually taxing. But never a bad or notworthwhile day.
The NWC has got it right. It was the best year of my career and having finished an MBA right before it, it was far more difficult and intellectually taxing. But never a bad or notworthwhile day.
SGT (Join to see)
LTC Jason Mackay That sounds like quite the experience! My master's degree seemed easier to me than my undergraduate degree.
They put it in a good location unlike the AF schools...I hate Maxwell AFB
LTC Jason Mackay
Lt Col Charlie Brown I saw an article recently where the GO in charge was begging the local government to improve schools in the area because he can't attract decent faculty.

Airmen are leaving families behind when assigned to Maxwell AFB because of the lousy schools
Lt. Gen. Anthony Cotton, commander of Air University and Staff College at Maxwell Air Force Base, says the state of schools in Montgomery is putting a strain on his job, with airmen arriving on base alone and faculty members reluctant to accept positions at the base.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown My wife's cousin, an Air Force Lt Col, went to the Dwight Eisenhower School in Washington. Is that unusual?
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