"At this time, I would like to offer my sincere apology to the people of Bergen County for the insensitive recorded remarks that were made public today. These remarks are not representative of the person that I am and they are in no way consistent with the manner in which I have conducted my life personally and as a law enforcement professional with over 46 years of service to the residents of Bergen County" Why is it when someone gets busted for saying something racist or bigoted as hell, they want to apologize with the usual catch all phrase starting with "These remarks are not representative of the person that I am". If you said it in an open forum, you felt "safe" within those you said it to. You didn't care when you said it, and you thought it was funny. I'd be the fist to admit I've made some really off the wall jokes, but I've maintained a sense that what I say can come back and hurt twice as bad (It has). In uniform, or as a leader in civvies, representing anyone or anything, that is NOT the time to begin using racial and bigoted jokes as a means of "breaking the ice". This was recorded. More than likely there were more jokes before he was recorded or this has happened before. He quit....meaning by the end of the month, he'll be hired somewhere else doing the exact same thing. I'm seriously glad he doesn't represent the mass of cops I know.