Posted on Aug 29, 2018
White Spaces, White Privilege and White Fear: How Negrophobia Still Contaminates America
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
HA Janet Valenti
The sad thing is "THEIR PARENTS SOLD THEM", my ancestors were killed because the white man wanted our land. You do not hear us wining about it. That was so long ago and the people of today probably haven't even seen their relatives from that time frame. They just want something to yell about. Not all of them though. Just the haters.
HA Janet Valenti
I raised my children with the bible and the story of Joseph's coat of many colors. I told them that coat represented the colors of the people of the world and wanting us to live in harmony. I am not sure if that will ever happen.
HA Janet Valenti
It is, I have a mixed grand daughter and she is beautiful now that she is 17. I hope she does not have this hatred in her. I wish she was here so I could ask her.
This is real, and WP denying it doesn't make it go away. And it should have stopped long ago.
The man has a point. Had he been Black the chances are pretty good that the outcome would’ve been substantially worse, and more than likely with no legal recourse for the individual against the police. It’s well known and believed there is a double standard when it comes to interacting with police in America. DWB only applies to one demographic. WWB, ‘only the guilty ones one’, ‘why are you here’? Black celebs being held at gunpoint in their own house because the cops don’t believe he lived ther. Try and sell anything and be a minority. Permit Patty will hook you right on up, then play the victim. Go to a top Ivy League school and fall asleep in a common area. Well now you’re trespassing, and the woman who called has a history of calling on minorities. Nothing happened. ‘Everyone’s’ (not really) until they get caught being what they’re swearing they’re not. Make an apology, get ‘treatment’, rise, lather, repeat.
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