Posted on Jul 30, 2018
'Bigfoot erotica' takes center stage in Virginia congressional race
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
He states he wrote with parady on the subject of Bigfoot and does not believe in it. Which is his right as an American.
What bothers me is I write fiction and non-fiction. Some of which I have posted on RP. A large snake attack and a wild hog attack if memory serves. Both fiction. My command of the English language is not as strong as a lot of individuals that post here.
It was non-fiction when I posted about an anti-gravity craft I watched around 2230hrs on a moonless night over a creek bottom and I wrote on Sasquatch. My point is, people need to stop making fun, or writing stupid stuff on subjects they have no clue about.
Untill people spend a lot of time in the woods, or creek bottoms, they should not write about what does, or does not exist. I suggest, BDU's, Jungle boots, gloves, cover and H-harness with butt pack and spend great amounts of time in rough terrain. Don't forget 4wheel drive transportation and Alice pack in the backseat. I went with a wolf dog for 10 years.;_ylu=X3oDMTByNXM5bzY5BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMzBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--/RV=2/RE= [login to see] /RO=10/
There is a lot going on in this world we do not know much about.
What bothers me is I write fiction and non-fiction. Some of which I have posted on RP. A large snake attack and a wild hog attack if memory serves. Both fiction. My command of the English language is not as strong as a lot of individuals that post here.
It was non-fiction when I posted about an anti-gravity craft I watched around 2230hrs on a moonless night over a creek bottom and I wrote on Sasquatch. My point is, people need to stop making fun, or writing stupid stuff on subjects they have no clue about.
Untill people spend a lot of time in the woods, or creek bottoms, they should not write about what does, or does not exist. I suggest, BDU's, Jungle boots, gloves, cover and H-harness with butt pack and spend great amounts of time in rough terrain. Don't forget 4wheel drive transportation and Alice pack in the backseat. I went with a wolf dog for 10 years.;_ylu=X3oDMTByNXM5bzY5BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMzBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--/RV=2/RE= [login to see] /RO=10/
There is a lot going on in this world we do not know much about.
LTC David Brown
I once heard what was supposed to be big foot. I hunted in the Continental Divide region above Helena Montana. I was hiking and doing some plinking with a 22 pistol. It was about 1 pm and there was a howl a long distance away. It was chilling, raised the hair on my neck.I had spent years in those woods and never heard anything like it before or since. A friend I used to hunt with heard the same thing a while before I did in the same area. He was a life long resident. So yes, you run into some strange stuff in the woods.
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