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Responses: 17
COL Commanding Officer
In my opinion, we are suddenly acting so surprised because Trump won the election, and he was not supposed to. Whatever the Russians may have done, if Clinton had won, then we would have heard nary a word about it.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
5 y
Not true, because the FBI was conducting a counter-intelligence investigation before the election.
COL Commanding Officer
COL (Join to see)
5 y
MSG Stan Hutchison - I understand that. What I am saying is that Russia (and the Soviet Union before that) has interfered in our elections in ways that supported its own national security strategy since at least 1948. We know that there was such interference in 2012, and we know which candidate it would have helped. Why didn't we care then? Why didn't we hear a word about it then?
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
5 y
COL (Join to see) - I don't think the past "interference" rose to the levels we see now. Also, if we did not hear about it then, how do we know it happened, and to what extent?
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Edited 6 y ago
Nah . . . tell me this isn’t so . . . we would never mess with any foreign government or election!!!
Warmest Regards, Sandy :)
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
6 y
O K we won't, it was all a ruse.:).
SSgt GG-15 RET Jim Lint
SSgt GG-15 RET Jim Lint
6 y
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth - 1LT Sandy Annala We should not get caught!
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
6 y
SSgt GG-15 RET Jim Lint but we have. Many times. We call it ‘helping’ but it’s like meddling to ‘advance American interests’. The bigger problem is when are we gonna admit doing this actually has done more harm to American interests than it helped? How many ‘leaders’will we ‘assist’ in putting them in place just to either have to fight them directly, save them from their own people, or spend billions to get the subordinates from there to look the other way?
SSgt Gary Andrews
I don't think anyone was surprised that the Russians would try to do this.......the surprise was that they found people on our end of things willing to play a role in helping them to do it. And yes, we try to influence other countries through a variety of actions......so we shouldn't object when someone does it to us? We should just say "Oh well" and move on? When we are caught at it, other countries don't shine it on. Remember how we tried to prop up the Shah of Iran? We are still paying a price for that interference in Iran's affairs. The big shock is not that they did this......the shock is that Trump has gone to such lengths to deny they did it at all, and then to excuse it when he could no longer deny it. Now he is saying "oh well" as Putin continues to deny what we know to be true. The investigation continues to turn up evidence of wrong doing on the part of the Russians, and in conjunction with people close to Trump on our end. Trump continues to call it a witch hunt and fake news. Sometimes, what you see right in front of your face, is actually the way it is. Who you gonna believe.......Trump or your lying eyes?
SSgt Gary Andrews
SSgt Gary Andrews
6 y
SFC Walko.....have you missed the part about it is continuing to happen? Did you also miss it when heavy sanctions were proposed and approved by Congress, but Trump refused to implement them? And that "Lefty" John McCain is one of those calling for the meeting to be cancelled. And don't you wonder why Trump doesn't want any of his top people in the room when he talks to Putin? Looks to me like it's all about Trump, not about America.
SSgt Gary Andrews
SSgt Gary Andrews
6 y
Trump called Russia out at the time? Seriously? He told Russia, if they were listening, to find the missing emails......that's calling them out? That's just too funny....
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
6 y
SSgt Gary Andrews - They found them that day and released them through Wikkileaks…..the same day. Weird ain't it?
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
5 y
Some here hate Obama and Clinton to a degree where they deny actual facts, such as; Obama imposed sanctions on Russia as soon as the interference was discovered. What happened to those sanctions? Oh, yea,, Trump ended them right after taking office.
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