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Responses: 10
Lt Col Charlie Brown
The cost of this war should not be forgotten
SP5 Mark Kuzinski
SP5 Mark Kuzinski
6 y
All the cost!
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CW5 John M.
I had recently soloed in an OH-23 at Ft Wolters,TX and was "in the pipeline" for making my "contribution" to the war some 10+ months later. Nixon was was elected in 1968, and was promising to "end American involvement in the war". I figured we might be out of Nam by the time I graduated from flight school, but my calculations were off by a few years....
Patricia Overmeyer
Patricia Overmeyer
6 y
My husband says you were his replacement, had he actually gotten his chopper papa wings at Ft. Wolters. My husband was a "wash out" from chopper school at Ft. Wolters in late 1968. He and about ten others were on a 24 hour pass and found drunk by the mps. Only had about one week left and he would have had been sent to Nam to fly Hueys. Since you can't have drunk chopper papas, they lost his shipping orders so he was in the honor guard. Then they found his orders, he went back to Tigerland and then to Nam.
As for the battle Ap Bia, that was north of his AO.
CW5 John M.
CW5 John M.
6 y
Patricia Overmeyer - That was very unfortunate. My friends and I were just fortunate we didn't get caught........ We had a few instances of that, but we went as far as Ft Worth to do our partying.... I don't ever recall partying much in Mineral Wells, which was about as risky as partying on base. I reckon It would have been especially bad for me since I was only 19 (under age) at the time......
Patricia Overmeyer
Patricia Overmeyer
6 y
Hubby was 19 at the time and was in Ft. Worth when the mps busted them. None of them were 21 at the time and all drunker than skunks eating fermented berries. He still laughs about it. Even though he was kicked out, because the military lost his shipping orders, etc., he burned enough time stateside that when his one year in Nam was done he didn't have to return stateside and remain in the military. Too many guys were writing to their friends in Nam to reup if you had to still serve time stateside. And he says he also was lucky in that he wasn't a chopper papa (saw way too many of them go down) so he remained a grunt on the ground and when he returned home, he was soloed in 7 hours to get his private pilot's license.
CW5 John M.
CW5 John M.
6 y
Patricia Overmeyer - Glad he made the best of the situation.
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CW5 Jack Cardwell
Great history lesson
SP5 Mark Kuzinski
SP5 Mark Kuzinski
6 y
Thanks Jack
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