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Responses: 13
MSgt Steve Sweeney
Can you imagine the outrage if Obama had said anything even remotely similar, or had heaped praise on a despot the way Trump has? My God people....
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
>1 y
Don't have to imagine the outrage. We saw the outrage when he said he consider meeting with dictators in order to solve problems; and when he met with Castro; and when he made a deal with terms for verification with Iran.
Now those same critics are praising Trump for meeting a dictator, talking nice about dictators, and having a weak joint statement is something for celebration. We are indeed in so much trouble.
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COL Commanding Officer
The President says some strange things that are difficult to justify. No argument there.
COL Commanding Officer
COL (Join to see)
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Well, I knew it was probably sarcasm and/or humor when I first heard CNN report it. And everyone on here, even those acting the most outraged and affronted, also knew it was humor and/or sarcasm. That does not change the fact that it wasn’t a very bright thing for the President to say for any reason. If he doesn’t understand by now that he’s not going to get a pass from the media for any of his controversial utterances, then I’m not sure he’ll ever understand it.
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
>1 y
SPC Erich Guenther - Yes he tends to retreat to "it was sarcasm" defense every time someone asks for him to clarify a statement he made. He also said in an interview with Bret Baier when asked "Is Kim a killer?" and Trump responded "no, he's a tough guy." I guess that was sarcasm as well.
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
>1 y
MAJ James Woods - He has to be careful what he says at this point in the negotiations in my view. NK is bipolar at best when it comes to external comments people make about the regime. So I can understand why he is soft peddling. George Bush did the same when the Wall fell. He could have really stuck it to the Soviets and did a victory lap during that event but he kept his mouth closed for the most part and was really cautious what he said. We'll see what he says after North Korea collapses. I think right now he is trying to avoid another multi-Trillion Dollar War.
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
>1 y
SPC Erich Guenther - NK is bipolar? Yeah so is the Trump Admin. Can't stick to one talking point. We had two major bargaining chips in negotiations and Trump exposed both of them in a naïve way in return for what....continued talks?
Imagine if we had actually demanded something for ordering a cessation on joint military exercises like an actual IAEA Inspection Team to enter the country and verify certain claims by N. Korea. I get it. He's 'soft peddling' after months of talking like a tough guy, big dog, that is tougher than all his predecessors. Flip flop much.
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MAJ Ken Landgren
He recently said as the president he has total authority. He is a wannabe dictator.
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