Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 6
If I wanted to promote gun control or gun confiscation, I would support attacks on unarmed citizens such as we have seen in schools. I would find emotionally unstable persons, arm them, and turn them lose to commit murder, then promote my cause while people are afraid and unable to think rationally about the consequences of disarming law-abiding citizens. That is >IF< I wanted to promote gun control or gun confiscation. I don't and I won't. However, it is reasonable to suspect that there are some ideologues who might
SSG Robert Webster
TSgt David L. - Considering the Democratic Party's latest lawsuit, it does make you wonder as to who or what group of people are wearing tin foil hats.
CW3 Harvey K.
No clearer indication of the anti-gun mob's callous, heartless behavior than the "Gun Free School Zone Act".
Frankly, the only purpose I can see in the "Gun Free School Zone Act" (GFSZA) is to assure the safety of a homicidal maniac for the period of time he spends slaughtering children and teachers.
It was apparently originally intended as a law to harass lawful gun owners and CCW holders, by making them criminals if they lawfully possessed a gun within 1,000 feet of a school zone (see the school map of San Francisco), but repeated attacks and mass-murders of our children reveal the (at best) "unintended consequences" of that harassment law.
The fact that the gun-grabbers use these attacks to fuel their demagoguery is a clear indication that they now fully accept that slaughter of the innocents, caused by their "gun owner harassment law", even if it was not part of their plan from the start.
The slaughter of those children is only a tool for them to advance their agenda. They try to blame "lax gun laws", "assault weapons", "the NRA", for the blood that is on their hands. They refuse to consider the repeal of that GFSZA, because it serves their purpose so well. They implicitly accept any "unintended consequence" of the perverse and deadly GFSZA they pushed through under the guise of "school safety", and instead exploit the death and horror they have caused,while blaming innocent gun-owners.
These “forbidden areas” of otherwise lawful gun possession in San Francisco would follow much the same pattern in any city. Note that it is not recording areas within 1,000 feet of a school ZONE, but apparently only the school BUILDING.
Frankly, the only purpose I can see in the "Gun Free School Zone Act" (GFSZA) is to assure the safety of a homicidal maniac for the period of time he spends slaughtering children and teachers.
It was apparently originally intended as a law to harass lawful gun owners and CCW holders, by making them criminals if they lawfully possessed a gun within 1,000 feet of a school zone (see the school map of San Francisco), but repeated attacks and mass-murders of our children reveal the (at best) "unintended consequences" of that harassment law.
The fact that the gun-grabbers use these attacks to fuel their demagoguery is a clear indication that they now fully accept that slaughter of the innocents, caused by their "gun owner harassment law", even if it was not part of their plan from the start.
The slaughter of those children is only a tool for them to advance their agenda. They try to blame "lax gun laws", "assault weapons", "the NRA", for the blood that is on their hands. They refuse to consider the repeal of that GFSZA, because it serves their purpose so well. They implicitly accept any "unintended consequence" of the perverse and deadly GFSZA they pushed through under the guise of "school safety", and instead exploit the death and horror they have caused,while blaming innocent gun-owners.
These “forbidden areas” of otherwise lawful gun possession in San Francisco would follow much the same pattern in any city. Note that it is not recording areas within 1,000 feet of a school ZONE, but apparently only the school BUILDING.

Areas Within 1,000 feet of a San Francisco School | Planning Department
Areas highlighted on the map in blue are within 1,000ft of a San Francisco school. Last updated December 2015.
Yep. Gun control was introduced in this country to control Blacks.
Clayton Cramer, the true historian who proved that Bellesiles pseudo-research and anti-gun "scholarship" was fabricated nonsense, has an excellent article on the subject available at:
Clayton Cramer, the true historian who proved that Bellesiles pseudo-research and anti-gun "scholarship" was fabricated nonsense, has an excellent article on the subject available at:

The Racist Roots of Gun Control
America's Most Aggressive Defender of Firearms Ownership
The democrat/socialist party is, always has been, and always will be the party of slavery and racism. It is not by accident that our American education system has devolve into an anti-American indoctrination machine, turning out as many angry historical illiterates as possible rather than young American patriots who love their nation more than themselves....
I suppose that is to be expected as long as anti-American poison is being spoon fed to them from the time they enter into that state-run system socialist indoctrination....
Just my opinion.....
I suppose that is to be expected as long as anti-American poison is being spoon fed to them from the time they enter into that state-run system socialist indoctrination....
Just my opinion.....
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