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Responses: 7
SFC Jerry Humphries
The NRA has absolutely nothing to do with this,the individual who fired the weapons was in the wrong and should be punished for his irresponsible actions. I am a Gun owner and an NRA member that man ( and woman for that matter also) was just stupid acting before thinking. I am curious to what their defense we’ll be.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
>1 y
MSgt George Cater - Actually it is not logical and it has not been proven. Less than 3% of the time a "good guy with a gun" stops someone. The majority of cops don't like "the good guy with a gun" idea either it makes their job harder.

One instance where someone stopped shooting on their own accord? Hmm. The Parkland shooter stopped shooting on his own accord. He actually fled the school and managed to have time to make it to a Subway in a Walmart and the apprehended him in a McDonald's because the cops who are supposed to protect the public cowered outside.

The Aurora shooter wasn't stopped by good guy with a gun. The Charlottesville shooter went on a two state manhunt. He wasn't stopped by good guys with guns. Police aren't included in that "good guy with a gun" theory that's supposed to be average civilians with a gun.





SFC Jerry Humphries
SFC Jerry Humphries
>1 y
And who was the good guy with a gun? I don’t see one here all I see is someone acting irresponsibly in this s case, taking a pot shot at someone who rings your doorbell for directions is just as idiotic as blaming the NRA for the incident.
MSgt George Cater
MSgt George Cater
>1 y
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff Thanks for the input. You have your definition you’re going with, but I included LEOs in my statement. There is an infinite variety of details in individual incidents, but the constant is a target rich environment and the minimal chance of meeting armed opposition. (No one tries a mass shooting at a cop bar.) In ANY situation you cite where the gun is used irresponsibly, the person doing it is no longer a potential good guy, but becomes a criminal themselves. Implicit in the “good guy” idea is legal and responsible use of firearms, to include use by LEOs.
You make your point and I agree with you, but we are arguing two related but different points. And none of it negates the 2nd Amendment. Have a good one.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
>1 y
MSgt George Cater - So the police in Parkland who stood there cowering and didn't go in were no longer good guys? By your "logic" anyway...

Who is trying to negate the 2nd Amendment? I argued the "good guys with guns" myth. I never mentioned the 2nd Amendment. Chill out no one is taking your guns. But good guys with guns is a huge myth that has been disproven time and time again.
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SFC George Sease
Pfc. Wheeler you will be amazed at the BS that the Defense Attorneys can spin. By the time the Prosecution gets through the defense attorneys will have the victim coming into the house with a raging erection, naked as the moment he was born, he have a M-2 in one hand and a M-19 (with a 500 round ammo box) and screaming that he wanted to rape some women. The Defense Attorneys do not care about the truth, all they want to do is get their clients off (or get a good plea with LETs MAKE A DEAL) and to HELL WITH THE TRUTH.
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
>1 y
It's actually scary how much truth is in this. You're another NCO who got his mind back after retirement. Do you need a reup NCO to visit you too? Using your brain is not allowed.
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PFC Jim Wheeler
The mother is 100% right when she says "why would I knock on your door to rob you?" I don't see any way this dude gets away with this.
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
>1 y
He shouldn’t, and I hope the DA and Sheriff stuck to their principles and hammer him good. I think she should also, but she didn’t fire anything, and there is no law against being stupid. Only being caught doing something stupid while being stupid.
SSgt Ray Stone
SSgt Ray Stone
>1 y
SSG Warren Swan - He wont get away with it,but he'll receive light punishment. Keep in mind that he only received a misdemeanor for shooting at a car, the complexion for the protection
PFC Jim Wheeler
PFC Jim Wheeler
>1 y
SSgt Ray Stone first offenses and second offenses are treated much differently in our justice system.

Plus, this would be multiple indictments.
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
>1 y
SSgt Ray Stone - I honestly want to disagree with you, but I can't. I can hope. It's free.
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