Posted on Mar 9, 2018
Trump pardons former Navy sailor imprisoned for taking photos on nuclear submarine, White House...
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 13
Sometimes the right reasons and political leverage work together, this is probably one of those.
SSG Warren Swan
Solid point, but why after he asked before and was turned down saying he had to wait five years to petition for a pardon? Being objective vs thinking the worst. "Sheriff" Joe was at the worst time, but at least Trump was honest in why he did it.
Simple answer...yes. Done to appease those military supporting anti-Obama Conservatives that felt this sailor was unjustly treated though he did commit a major security violation and only got a one year sentence. Wonder how many other Service Members that have been convicted of similar violations will seek a pardon from this administration? How many will now think they can commit a similar violation now and hope this administration will protect them?
LTC David Brown
I wonder how many service members have set up there own server ,had above top secret material on it and WEREN’T prosecuted because they had no intent? You do realize Clinton pardoned his CIA Director for having classified material on his private computer.Hillary should have been charged!
MAJ James Woods
LTC David Brown PO3 Bob McCord LCpl Arthur Forbes - Oh boo hoo. You've had 14 months of a Trump led, GOP controlled government that could've have reopened and pursued this HRC email business. Know why that hasn't happened? Because there is nothing there so get over it.
Manning was commuted. He still has a felony conviction and unable to ever get a security clearance again. This guy like Arpaio was pardoned; recorded expunged. Thus he'll be able to get another job and apply for a security clearance while we know he has little respect for following simple rules. So do contain your hypocrisy.
Manning was commuted. He still has a felony conviction and unable to ever get a security clearance again. This guy like Arpaio was pardoned; recorded expunged. Thus he'll be able to get another job and apply for a security clearance while we know he has little respect for following simple rules. So do contain your hypocrisy.
MAJ James Woods
PO3 Bob McCord and LCpl Arthur Forbes - Didn't realized you both had full access to all the investigation files to make such insightful comments that goes contrary to the final reports.
Probably the right thing to do......but he could have done this long before now. So why now? Maybe an attempt to keep Stormy off the front page for a day or two? That would be my guess. But those "Storm clouds" are gathering......
Cpl Tom Surdi
LTC (Join to see) - No, he really hasn't. If you take a look at the facts, the hard data he's actually accomplished very little since he took office. Now I am not saying I agree with everything Obama did, I didn't, some of it was down right dumb. But Trump has done far worse and with less class. You do realize that the regulations put into place by the Obama administration on banks and wall street were designed to stop them from recreating the events that caused the recession in the first place, and Trump rolled them back. Trump's attacks on renewable energy sources in favor of dying energy sources like coal will set us back decades because we are depleting that particular resource, and there is no way to improve that, yet he continues to fight for it. The very corporations and people who caused the great recession are the very same corporations and people who stand the most to gain from the Trump/GOP tax breaks. Trickle down economics doesn't work, it's been proven it doesn't work. All it's done is further the gap between the rich and corporations and the middle class. Don't get me wrong, I don't think Hillary would have been any better for us. We've become a country of extremes, you either see it the way the far right or the far left see it, or you are wrong. We are a country who is eating out it's own heart for our political ideologies and parties. We don't compromise anymore or find common ground, and instead of trying to fix that, Trump is using it for his own gains.
LTC (Join to see)
PO2 Bill Reardon - Sorry … not interested in responding to stupid posts. Have a good day, Bill, and thank you for your service.
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