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Responses: 4
LTC Self Employed
Edited >1 y ago
Canadians are in a trade struggle against itself with Pro and anti-oil elements fighting each other in British Columbia and Alberta. British Columbia (B.C) is full of Green Party environmental zealots in a federal fight against the feds of Canada denying an oil pipeline from Alberta through B.C. to the West Coast. Alaska may be the end point of this oil pipeline if they don't work things out. the Leftist Green Party Governor fighting a Socialist Governror in Alberta who DOES (yes, this Socialist pumps Co2 into the Ground to compensate) want Oil going West. It is messed up!! Trudeau may be 2 faced as well on this. His party is working on a supertaker ban which Indigenous Tribes and Alberta is against. Again, using the Alaska side of the bay may be the workaround to this.

SMSgt Minister Gerald A. "Doc" Thomas 1LT Sandy Annala COL Mikel J. Burroughs LTC Stephen C. LTC Stephen F. MAJ David Potter CPT Jack Durish LTC Bill Koski SFC (Join to see) SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL CSM Charles Hayden SSG Chris Erickson COL M Stock SFC William Farrell Maj Marty Hogan SFC Shirley Whitfield PO3 John Wagner
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MSgt Gerald Orvis
Edited >1 y ago
When I was posted in Ottawa, I had a good view of how Canada works - their brand of federalism actually gives the provinces quite a bit of leeway as to what they want to do with regard to federal laws - they can "opt out" if they want. I seem to remember that back in the '80s, Quebec even opted out of an amendment to the new Canadian constitution. Some people think Californa and liberal cities in the US are revolutionary for trying to do that, but local and provincial Canadian governments have been doing it for decades. Some provinces had/have Liquor Control Board stores (Ontario even has government-run beer stores that (to me) are very industrial) that drive up the cost of drink and promotes black marketeering and smuggling from provinces that don't have such arrangements. Also, when Canada tried to ween its people from cigarettes by raising the cost to $40/carton to make it too expensive of a habit for many, the Mohawk Indians on a border reservation (who are subject to different treaty-mandated laws) found a way to buy the same smokes in the States for $20/carton and smuggle them across the border to sell for $30/carton. The police in Ontario, Quebec and New York were kept busy with that, not to mention the RCMP and the FBI. When I was visiting my then-girlfriend in Cornwall, I found that the local Akwesasne Mohawk reservation was selling treaty-mandated tax-free gas while Canadian gas stations still had to charge tax. Guess where most people gassed-up? While Canadians are a pretty law-abiding bunch, I found that they only obey laws that make sense, not because they are laws.
MSgt Gerald Orvis
MSgt Gerald Orvis
>1 y
Oh, and with regard to the photo of the rather stout Edmonton policeman. It's nothing new in Canada. When I was posted at the U.S. Embassy and thousands of Maoist protesters used to arrive to demonstrate, it was men such as this (armed with three-foot truncheons) who lined up on the sidewalk in front of the Embassy and kept the rambunctious and hostile anti-U.S. types off our fence and away from our door. So I never minded that the local cops looked like they could play linebacker for the Green Bay Packers - it served a purpose. And the police were welcome at the Marine House for a drink anytime.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
Pretty funny Gerald! I'm glad you're able to give some context to what you saw. Since I live in the carbon tax Utopia, my gas bill I mean my furnace bill was $19 more last month. I'm not going to turn my thermostat to 55 degrees Fahrenheit just to make prime minister Trudeau and the green party zealots happy. That's why I keep telling on rallypoint that raising cigarette taxes, racing gasoline taxes, and putting carbon taxes will not make people spend less, they just get pissed off! The bums and the druggies recycle cans to buy their cigarettes and the local businesses passed the carbon tax on to their customers and even UPS has a fuel surcharge on their shipping so I know most other shippers do as well. That's why I try to tell people what not to do in the 49 states because the people in California named Lee Governor Brown and his liberal cohort will not listen. They they are trying to save the world with junk science and they don't want to admit that we are in between ice ages and that temperatures will rise even if we all stopped using Fuel and natural gas tomorrow!

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PO3 John Wagner
I don't care what they do as long as they DO NOT! send us ketchup flavored potato chips.
There is something deeply wrong about them.
There may even be biblical prohibitions against consumption.
Not sure.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
I now have Carls Jr. here in Edmonton. Edmonton started painting their cop cars black and white. Slowly looking more American. I wish I could get Kings Hawaiian Bread here though. I eat this every time I come to California. I just arrived back this early a.m. from Palm Springs.
PO3 John Wagner
PO3 John Wagner
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) - That guy could definitely miss a few meals.. should probably lay off the ketchup chips.
Think they got pretty big peckers running those large low profile tires on oversized wheels don't they?
If he were a trucker I would call him "Billy Big Rigger"
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
I think he orders a superstar with cheese everyday from Carl's jr. Carl's has been in Edmonton for the last 2 years.
PO3 John Wagner
PO3 John Wagner
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) - He looks like he thinks he’s a superstar. He actually looks like a big bubba sheriff from down south.
In other words a cop who you know you are going to dislike at first glance.
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