Posted on Jan 26, 2018
Trump plans to sign order keeping Gitmo open, leaked doc reveals
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 10
You know, I grow weary of the phrase "leaked doc" as something which provides legitimacy to media statements...
1SG Dennis Hicks
Leaked doc, anonymous source, "BREAKING NEWS" tired old BS from talking heads and revenue generators. They don't even try anymore they just keep pushing the BS out and the sheep eat it like Xanex.
In Canada, the most an injured Soldier can get his 360 Grand or $360,000. This terrorists, by the bleeding heart Canadian Supreme Court, got 10 million just because he had to endure sleep deprivation. He killed one American and blinded another. The American justice system will not be as bleeding heart as a Canadian one.
Omar Khadr to get $10.5M, apology from Canadian government - CityNews Toronto
The Supreme Court of Canada ruled in 2010 that Canadian intelligence officials obtained evidence from Khadr under "oppressive circumstances."
LTC (Join to see)
In the next election, the Canadian citizens are probably going to vote out the liberal party for doing this. The conservatives are really pissed off for this but they are the minority opposition and they couldn't really do anything. On top of that, the Canadian government gave the stupid Canadian citizen a formal apology.
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