Posted on Dec 29, 2017
To burn or not to burn? Guantánamo won’t answer the question about detainees’ artwork
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 6
We don't have to burn it but they can set up an art museum in a porta potty in the Korengal valley. A few weeks later revisit to see the "Art" was destroyed by Mullahs or used for fire starting material.
Years ago, my Dad was on a Navy plane near Guantanamo back in the 50#, he was pretty good at photography. And took this awesome shot of the place, with a whole view of the Carribeann fleet, my family still has it. We had it blown up into the size of a painting. With all the carriers and battle wagons in clear view around the that was art...I've been dying to have us donate it to the Commamder's office down there, of they'd want it, ya think?
I thought to add something, as I'd realized after I'd sent it, that I'd phrased what I'd sent initially wrong. My intention was, of course, to deride their efforts at supposed "art", however, I obvioisly phrased my answer in too lighthearted a fashion, which I obviously regret. To be clear, any supposed "art" those miscreants produce isn't art, it's nothing but enemy propaganda, no different than a piece I'd seen here about similar enemy propaganda by the Hermit Kingdom seen recently in South Korea, and should be treated, to my way of thinking, precisely as such. I regret if my effort at derisive humor was at all misplaced, I entirely agree it is not art, by any stretch of imagination, and in no way whatsoever should it be construed as such, I'll try to be as clear next time, once again, my apologies, what I'd said had of course been meant in derision of such nonsense, immsorry if it seemed I was meaning the opposite at all, their efforts at such supposed art aren't just drivel, such efforts are actually quite dangerous drivel, and should, as was noted here, ne examined precisely for any such hidden messages, which those miscreants are quite clearly capable of trying to send in such an utterly inimical fashion, by all means.
Capt Daniel Goodman
This is the program our dentist suggested, I'm just not entirely sure if I'd ne allowed, given the disability, or if it'd ne for me, in app honesty, I just thought to show it here so you might look at it, if you hadn't seen it before....
This is the program our dentist suggested, I'm just not entirely sure if I'd ne allowed, given the disability, or if it'd ne for me, in app honesty, I just thought to show it here so you might look at it, if you hadn't seen it before....
Capt Daniel Goodman
I've wanted to get involved with this also, I've been looking into it for quite some time.
I've wanted to get involved with this also, I've been looking into it for quite some time.
About | Navy League STEM Institute
The STEM Institute has created a two-fold program that increases youth interest in the possibilities of STEM education and career pathways.
Capt Daniel Goodman
I am a life member of this, though I don't know anyone by us in it, I didn't know if they hsd a STEM program at all...
I am a life member of this, though I don't know anyone by us in it, I didn't know if they hsd a STEM program at all...
Association of the United States Army
Voice for the Army – Support for the Soldier
Capt Daniel Goodman
I thought perhaps to explain another aspect that occurred to me, one that might perhaps enable you to more readily comprehend me toma somewhat greater extent. When I went in originally, I'd wanted, needed, to he on the clinical side, which, unfortunately, never happened, despite everything I thought to do to try to make that happen beforehamd. In retrospect, 20/20 hindsight, I quite clearly didn't know what I was doing, and went in as a lime engineering officer, hoping to have been in a bioengineering environment. Needless to say, that never happened, of course, and, as a result, everything just wound up going completely sideways for !e. Please understand, I'm obvioisly glad I went in, it did me infinite good, I just wish I'd been suitably prepared, and had known what questions to ask, of the correct people, to try to have done ithe right way, so I could've made the contribution I'd really wanted to make. I'd wanted to be a flight surgeon, that was my dream, which was why I'd wanted to go to USUHS, which, of course, also never happened, equally predictably. Thats why, being as I gather, as I'd said, that youre in NY ARNG, if you ever mighty possibly find me some way to be on the clinical side, even if only as a pure volunteer, under RSVP, believe me, half a loaf would he decidedly more than zero loaf, I assure you, I hope that explains the whole thing more thoroughly, once again, I'd ne most eager for your thoughts, and/or any advice and/or help you might be able to offer. I'd just figured that, if I couldn't help any of the services as a volunteer, that perhaps tutoring STEM !material to such a group as Navy Sea Cadets might at least ne a reasonable alternative, or helping vets who'd want STEM training at that SUNY college I'd mentioned, as well, many thanks
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