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Responses: 5
CPL Dave Hoover
Only if I cared what the world thought. As for me, as long as he is an enema to politicians I'm good with him.
SPC Les Darbison
SPC Les Darbison
6 y
CPL Dave Hoover - Great come back thanks you did it without being rude!
SPC Les Darbison
SPC Les Darbison
6 y
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - Do you mean like intenituly Dividing the races. Or painting targets on LEO's backs with his reteric (sp). Sorry that guy was Obama. And he could do no wrong with the Media in his and the Dems pocket. And just being Black gave him alot of room to never be called out on his inoporated actions. And the Actions of those in his administration. !
1. IRS scandle. 2. fast and furious 3. Lies You can keep your Doctor your Ins. and a family of four will save $2400 a year when I give you OBAMA CARE. 4.The IRAN deal he did with a phone and a pincle, It's not a treaty he (Obama know) even the DEMs wouldn't vote for it. He set up all night when the raid was carried out to Kill Osamba Bin Laden And he said I did this just as if he were there on the ground. 5. Our embassy in Libay was under Attack he went to bed early that night so he could be fresh for his fund raiseing event the next day in Ca. 6. He ( OBAMA) knew Hillary wasn't follewing protical on her Emails and did nothing. I could go on all night. But It looks like I'm finaly getting sleepy. Good Night Comrade.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
6 y
LOL. Fast and furiso started under Bush and rhe ret are either not criminal or are imagimary evils. A Trump fan calling someone Comaradenis pure comedy gold since the Kremlin owns Trump
SPC Les Darbison
SPC Les Darbison
6 y
Bushes tries at fast and furious were failures and with drawn. Then Obama tried his own attempts at a failed practice, Were they ( Obamas and his AG ). Encouraged Gun shops to let straw buyers buy weapons, And then had CNN news show how easy it was to buy FireArms. This was a skim at Gun rights a plan to show how we need gun control.
And once again no Accountability for his ( Obamas And Holders ) poor judgmentI !00s of Mexican's where MURDERED with those weapons and All so Brian Terry a us Boarder Agent.
( Bill Clinton Slick Willy) Had nothing on Obams Free pass by the Press.
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Capt Dwayne Conyers
All POTUS’es have been targets by political/editorial cartoonists (including Bush Sr. on the Simpsons) but Trump is writing the jokes for them. If that is his style, fine... that is his style. However...
SPC Les Darbison
SPC Les Darbison
6 y
I agree Trump has some bad attributes, But putting all American Citizen safety and lively hoods as a priority. Is something we haven't seen in a long time. Poor trade deals being fixed, poor deal with Iran being worked on, pulling out of the Paris climate deal that the USA would have taken the brunt of cost and jobs lost. Would have taken a toll on our economy. Then lets look at how he ( The Commander and Chieff Donald J. TRUMP ) Changed the REOs in the Military and let Sectary of Defense ( Mad Dog) Mattis loose to cripple Isis and kick then out of most of the Caliphate A geographic area under their control. Then gain funds to up grade military equipment and increases in personal and pay raises. But more important then that those funds will help keep our Military ahead on the technology curve the key to our military success. Weighing the negatives and positives I can for give his defcencies. A thriving economy highest employment in decades, And the highest employment for blacks and Hispanics in recorded history. I can remenber Obama saying we would have to get used to a national GDP at or below 2%. At that there was no way to bring back Manufacturing to the USA LOL. Tax cuts and rolling back economy killing Regulations, fixed that little problem.
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LTC Self Employed
They may have their freedom but even there Altra conservative prime minister got rid of assault weapons after one crazy person killed a whole bunch of people at a resort. California, if it had its way, we wish it had the same gun controls as Australia.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
7 y
Show where those massive crime increases occurred?
SPC Les Darbison
SPC Les Darbison
6 y
In Australia there where massive increases in home invasions because crookes new seniors had no chance at self defense. Do some of your own research.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
6 y
In Canada, pistols are harder to come by because it's like getting a federal firearms permit. You can buy them but they know who you are and you need a reason. But you can still buy an SKS rifle, shotgun and other long rifle types as long as it has a 5 shot maximum.
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