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"Take a baby crocodile from its mother and see how you go there." - Australian Prime Minister
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It never fails to amaze me why anyone would mess with a kangaroo in this day and age
Two bereaved parents and 12 fellow members of an Australian religious congregation accused of killing an 8-year-old girl by withholding her diabetes medication have been found guilty of her manslaughter
"U.S. Marine Corps veteran Daniel Duggan will be extradited from Australia to the United States over allegations that he illegally trained Chinese aviators."
"Behind Every Legend is a Kernel of Truth" LTC Eugene Chu Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen Maj Kim Patterson MAJ Ken Landgren Maj Christopher Wright CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana Capt Dwayne Conyers Capt Gregory Prickett ...
Not sure I could live underground
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The Tiny Ship that Drove Japan Insane
PO1 Brian Austin LTC Eugene Chu Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen MSG Stan Hutchison MSgt Steve Sweeney SGT Charlie Lee CPL LaForest Gray An Australian soldier and her husband have been arrested and each...
LIVE FIRE with U.S. Marines and Sailors in Queensland, Australia
It's Australia, What Else Can I Say! My Last Overseas Port Call was Melbourne Australia, I Still Remember the Chief of Police Kidnapping My Entire Maintenance Shop, Forcing Beer and Steaks down their Throat!
Your Morning Maritime History Fix
HMAS Diamantina - A River^3 Frigate
Haze Gray and Underway!
Navy: Life on Deck - HMAS Adelaide
Big, Living, Carbon Capture!
For My "Fighter Jock" Shipmates, Comrades in Arms.
The Scariest Allied Exterminator with a Unique Killing Technique
"Better pay, more benefits and a higher quality of life have led UK troops to head to the land down under"
New South Wales has become the last Australian state to apologize for laws criminalizing homosexual acts, 40 years after decriminalization
More Tools the Better!
Philippine Navy Receives Potential Delivery of Decommissioned Ship HMAS ANZAC by Australia