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Responses: 18
Cpl Mark A. Morris
What a tool for the global agenda of American culture destruction. I bet his guard detail has a few weapons.
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CW5 Edward "Tate" Jones Jr.
The WHOLE PURPOSE of the 2nd Amendment is self defense. His statement is asinine to the extreme.
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SGT Brent Scott
It’s been an ongoing feud for sometime, let’s take the shooting that just occurred in Texas where a gunman discharged from the air force with mental and abuse issues had an assault type weapon and killed a massive amount of people, now the gunman shoots all these folks and another citizen shoots back who lived next door to the church, now of course in Texas our laws state that any citizens that carry or have concealed weapons license or permit may use deadly force to save another persons life or their own if there is no other choice. So this gunman comes out of the church and supposedly is shot by this next door neighbor who then gives chase.

Of course the media gets it and the poop hits the ceiling and nobody can get a clear answer, of course within a few hrs the left wants to put out gun control measures against every citizen in the United States legal to carry or not.
Joe Bieden(vice ex dickhead) of course wants to push his agenda from a gun rule he wrote 20+ yrs ago banning assault weapons and high capacity mags, listening to the news it states that no one person needs to own a weapon of any type that holds more that 3 rounds in a clip or mag and one in the chamber, wow what could Joey be talking about when he says this? It’s crazy Joey and his peeps talk about how all this crap happens in Texas and that we need stiffer gun laws, but then one week later California has a mass shooting from some crazy mental sob that shouldn’t have had a weapon in the first place, who was ordered by the courts to relinquish all his weapons in a separation order handed down by a judge and delivered to the residence by a court appointed officer, but of course Joey has said nothing about California’s mass random shooting and or anything about the assault rifle used. Now we all know cali has the stiffest gun laws in the nation and look what happens!!!! Dems and the left should focus on changing the rules in the government rather that mess with the people, if the government had followed thru properly and done their jobs with both shooters we probably wouldn’t be having this discussion
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