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Responses: 20
LTC Orlando Illi
Edited 7 y ago
Enough said. Kaepernick has every right to protest. I have every right to view his protest as offensive.
LTC Orlando Illi
LTC Orlando Illi
7 y
LTC (Join to see) - They have every right to protest. However, their methodology will do nothing more than alienate the very people who they are trying to convince to listen to them.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
7 y
LTC Orlando Illi -
And you got to admit there is a lot of white trash out there that like sports and if they're racist already, you will probably see them turn off the TV and spend time with their kids or do something else so it's going to backfire on the NFL and the Major League Baseball. Racism will still be there no matter what and racist like sports too and many of them will vote with their feet and go watch Netflix instead. I am not racist. My grandmother was mulatto from Guatemala. My mother was born in Honduras and I speak fluent Spanish. I am married to a Canadian native who looks Hispanic and she gets discriminated against all the time in Canada but when she is with me in California, they think she's Hispanic. I am saying this for anybody who feels offended by what I'm saying. This is to affirm that I respect all races at all peoples but I don't put up with what I'm seeing in Major League Baseball end in the NFL. The president has a point and maybe he was too blunt but I think many people have a sore Papa and they have to have thicker skin just like you use the term having a thicker skin in your after-action reports in the military.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
7 y
PO3 Bob McCord -
I know our president still has to be duct taped sometimes but in this case this was an actual good example of where I actually believe in him even if the ACLU or the NFL say differently. Good people and white trash walking away from professional sports would cause professional sports to implode. Kaepernick is an idiot reading about how he broke his contract that he could get more and now nobody wants him nobody wants to endorse him and the NFL has the right to not rehire him again and he has to run like a baby to the NAACP to try to scare the owners to hire him back even though he is not the best player. Now they're mad I think the rank-and-file management of the NFL are sticking up for the players because they're worried that his words are going to scare off fans which I'm sure it will and cause the same thing that happened when there was a screen writers strike in Hollywood and people started watching cable and other channels like Netflix so when the strike was broken, those shows didn't have the ratings anymore it took them a long time to get their fans back. I was thinking how people are so worried about political correct terms. It kind of reminded me of the situation last year were this student and Canada War a Donald Trump hat too a university in Calgary which is south of me and the social justice Warrior freaked out and she made an ass out of herself. The dean of the school backed up the guy with the red hat. Donald Trump may have his big faults but he is saying America First and nationalism first. Today we have a story about Gold Star Mothers and I'm sure they're not happy over the freedom of speech of Kaepernick and the other unsportsmanlike players who are taking a knee and support. I'm saying white unsportsmanlike players and coaches as well. I am not racist. Here's an example of what happened last year.
LTC Orlando Illi
LTC Orlando Illi
7 y
LTC (Join to see) - as it stands now - I would rather wash my car in the rain then watch the NFL. They have every right to protest and I have every right not to watch
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SSG Aircraft Mechanic
He doesn't beat around the bush and I think that's what got him the votes that won him the election.

On the flip side that's also what ruffles a lot of feathers because there are a lot of people that don't want to really hear blunt truth.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
7 y
PO1 Henry Jackson - Time will tell if White players do it as well, he won't mince words and POTUS will call out them as well. What with MLK or the surviving Tuskeegee airmen say? My grandmother was Mulato from Guatemala. She lived 20 miles from Belize before marrying my Grandfather. Now Londoners are laugh at us! I hate Illinois Nazis and Anti-Fascist wimps who cover their faces. David Duke and his KKK kind are also trash too.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
7 y
SFC Thomas Butler - I am half-Hispanic and I laughed at that BS!
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
7 y
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - I believe he will! His Chiefs of Staff will correct him.
SFC Robert Luscomb
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LTC Psychological Operations Officer
Edited 7 y ago
Trump's "very fine people" vs "SOBs"

Which protest do you believe is more "unamerican" and disrespectful of American values? Why are some people so willing to support one groups right to protest and yet rage about the other?

And as for Glen Coffee, he didn't give up pro football to serve his country. After gaining just 300 yards in his rookie season, he said that Christ told him that football wasn't his path. So he "retired" from the NFL in 2010 after the 2009 season. He said he wanted to go back to school. He didn't join the Army until 2013, because he said he didn't want an average job. He is now out of the Army and has unretired from the NFL and is a reinstated free agent looking for an NFL team because he said he got the itch to play again after watching his old team on TV. Let's not make him out to be a hero like Pat Tillman. It's just not the case, even if it makes a great right wing meme
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
7 y
CWO3 (Join to see) - The Constitution says they have the right to do what they do, And I d swore an oath to defend that right as did you. I did not swear an oath to the flag.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
7 y
We understand. What would dr. Martin Luther King say and what does the surviving Tuskegee Airmen have to say about this? They had to deal with racism 10 times more than you did and they still had held their head high. There is still a long way to go for equality in the United States, we get that. I am frustrated with what white and black athletes make in the NFL. I really don't watch sports other than the Super Bowl and I watch the Olympics sometimes. I'm not addicted to watching ESPN because I have a life and I have military things I need to do and I spend time with my family since I work about 50 hours a week not including my Army Reserve. I still think that their first amendment rights to do what they want make some like a spoiled brat and if our president says something offensive to them, they know that he is right even if he is saying it in a tone that is hurting their feelings are pissing off the owners. I respect people who stick to their guns like Bernie Sanders he stuck to his guns all these years even though I don't believe in his socialism I gave him credit for sticking to his guns. President Trump has the same way in many respects. I just think that Pro Sports is going to lose and president Trump is going to win. I do not feel sorry for copernic because if he wasn't a greedy bastard to begin with he could have kept this contract and be making millions of dollars a year. So if Kaepernick is a poster boy to copy, a lot of players are going to learn that he was a fool.
LTC Psychological Operations Officer
LTC (Join to see)
7 y
LTC (Join to see) - why would you be frustrated by what football players make? Don't you believe in capitalism and free markets? Don't you believe in a worker being compensated whatever the business owner believes represents the value of that worker to their business. Isn't that how all the owners got to be billionaires--by being smart businessmen? Those athletes generate far more revenue than they receive. Do you resent that CEOS of large companies make hundreds of millions and get golden parachutes when they leave? Or is it just professional athletes that you resent?

Why do you think Trump wouldn't even call the KKK or neonazis sons of bitches, but used that term for black athletes? And particularly black athletes expressing their opinion on a social issue in a peaceful, non threatening manner? Isn't that odd? As far as Trump sticking to his guns, that's just not true. He changes, and has changed for years, his opinion on almost every major social issue depending on what audience he was talking to and what he needed from those people. He is as poor an example of someone sticking to his guns as there is.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
7 y
LTC (Join to see) -
Sir, I redid this to make it more readable
You have some good points. Like some have said here, once the athletes make less money due to alienating both the racist and non-rascist sports fans, the Ticket prices will get lower to.

Look at one example of a greedy owner such as the Edmonton Oilers Hockey team here in Alberta Canada, that idiot owner, Cates, threaten to take the Edmonton Oilers out of here and take them to Seattle instead. The City of Edmonton gave in to his demands and the city paid for most of the new arena. The local economy is now suffering because they built a huge arena in downtown and there's not enough parking as well. The green liberals thought that everyone's going to take the bus or the metro train (LRT) or walk when the city is below freezing and with snow 6 months out of the year.

The locals in the apartments and businesses in a 2 square mile area around the arena are now paying a surtax to subsidize the arena that was built in downtown. They were not happy with the arena that they had on the north side of the city. I can fault the greedy owners and the greedy players because guess who pays for all this? The fans! So yes I believe in capitalism but I see how they are gouging the average Joe you and me who doesn't want to spend $100 to go see a hockey game and pay $25 for parking and pay $10 for popcorn and a drink and spend three or four hundred dollars for a small family to watch a stupid game!

The average minimum salary for hockey is $200,000 for the lowest-ranking benchwarmer yet many guys make millions of dollars but they all shoulder the burden on guys like me who are stupid enough to pay money to watch the game. So you can call it resentment of sports or you may think that I have PTSD over sports but these social justice warrior idiots and team owners taking a knee/supporting this bad behavior and saying his first amendment rights and then they find out that they are black balled out of their league and they can't get signed anywhere. It is their fault. This is not a time to be a Rosa Parks. Maybe Donald Trump's nationalism mean something and it rubs it wrong this is not like the Philippines were if you say something against the flag you get executed. I have no sympathy for these guys. I still am asking what would Martin Luther King and what would the Tuskegee Airmen say? The rascist rednecks can take down the sports leagues and go to NASCAR instead. I don't speak for them but making sports political will kill the sport!
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